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 Dr. Christopher T. Begeny

Dr. Christopher T. Begeny

Lecturer, Social Psychology

 Washington Singer 203


Washington Singer Laboratories, University of Exeter, Perry Road, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK


Chris is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Exeter. He is also a Specialist Member on the UK Department of Health and Social Care’s Gender Pay Gap Implementation Panel, the Academic Lead for the Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery, and a Research Affiliate at the Global Institute for Women's Leadership, Australian National University.

Chris examines several topics related to diversity, group dynamics, and social justice. He regularly works in partnership with non-academic organizations, both as a research collaborator and as a consultant.

Broad Research Specialisms

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Fair Treatment and Respect
  • Bias and Discrimination
  • Stereotypes and Stigma
  • Collective Action
  • Marginalized Group Dynamics (by race, ethnicity, gender, etc.)
  • Status and Social Hierarchies
  • Intragroup Relations
  • Social Identity Processes
  • Stress and Mental Health

Key Research Topics​

  • How individuals perceive and react to growing diversity in their own profession
  • How women’s everyday experiences at work shape their self-concept and career ambitions
  • What it means to be treated fairly in groups, and why fair treatment is important but insufficient
  • The importance of not only having role models, but the opportunity to be one
  • Collective approaches to combating the impostor "syndrome”
  • How being respected in groups affects individuals’ mental health and physiological stress
  • How positive interactions with members of one's own gender, racial, ethnic or sexual minority group can shape mental health, vigilance to discrimination, and motivation for collective action


  • Ph.D. in Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles
    (Primary area: Social; Secondary area: Quantitative)
  • M.A. in Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles
  • B.A. in Psychology, Kalamazoo College

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Research interests

Chris is currently involved in a number of projects, including those that examine:

(a) how individuals working in fields with growing diversity are perceiving and reacting to this changing demographic landscape around them – and how signs of progress in (compositional) diversity can create new and insidious paths for bias to creep in (with Michelle Ryan and Corinne Moss-Racusin)

(b) how individuals can benefit from not only having role models at work, but also the opportunity to be a role model for others (with Thekla Morgenroth and Michelle Ryan)

(c) how and why organizations need to foster more than diversity and inclusion – with a keen eye toward fostering individuals' sense of distinct value and worth to the group, enabling them to not only "fit in" but also "stand out" (a call to go beyond beyond "D&I;" with Michelle Ryan and Floor Rink)

(d) how women’s experiences in the workplace – including both denigrating and value-affirming treatment coming from colleagues – shape their self-concept, behavior, sense of work-life balance and career ambitions (multiple projects; with Michelle Ryan, Thekla Morgenroth, Renata Bongiorno, Loes Meeussen, Kim Peters and Floor Rink)

(e) how positive experiences and interactions with members of one's own racial, ethnic, gender or sexual minority group can shape mental health, group identification, vigilance to discrimination, and motivation for collective action (multiple projects; with Yuen Huo, Alexandra Suppes, Jojanneke van der Toorn, Jolien van Breen, Colin Wayne Leach, Martijn van Zomeren and Aarti Iyer)

(f) how individuals come to feel like 'impostors' (multiple projects; with Sanne Feenstra, Michelle Ryan, Floor Rink, Jennfier Jordan and Janka Stoker)

(g) how individuals come to discern their status in different types of social groups (e.g., workgroups, student groups, racial/ethnic minority groups; multiple projects; with Yuen Huo, Heather Smith and Michelle Ryan)

(h) how individuals’ experiences of feeling respected in groups affect their physiological stress response (with Yuen Huo and Heather Smith)

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Journal articles

Begeny CT, Arshad H, Cuming T, Dhariwal DK, Fisher RA, Franklin MD, Jackson PC, McLachlan GM, Searle RH, Newlands C, et al (2024). Author response to: Comment on: Sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape by colleagues in the surgical workforce, and how women and men are living different realities: observational study using NHS population-derived weights. British Journal of Surgery, 111(1).
Russell Pascual N, Kirby TA, Begeny CT (2024). Disentangling the nuances of diversity ideologies. Frontiers in Psychology, 14 Abstract.
Morgenroth T, Begeny CT, Kirby TA, Paaßen B, Zeng Y (2024). Dissecting Whiteness: consistencies and differences in the stereotypes of lower- and upper-class White US Americans. Self and Identity, 23(1-2), 70-94.
Fernández Olguín DP (2024). Gender and social class inequalities in higher education: intersectional reflections on a workshop experience. Frontiers in Psychology
Begeny CT, Huo YJ, Ryan MK (2023). A Leadership Looking Glass: How Reflected Appraisals of Leadership Shape Individuals’ Own Perceived Prototypicality and Group Identification. Self and Identity Abstract.
Fernández DP, Ryan MK, Begeny CT (2023). Gender expectations, socioeconomic inequalities and definitions of career success: a qualitative study with university students. PLoS One, 18(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bednar J, Gardner RG, Keogh A, Tewfik B, Gazdag BA, Badawy R, Gutierrez A, Feenstra S, Begeny C, Jordan J, et al (2023). New Advances in Research on the Impostor Phenomenon. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
Fernández DP, Ryan MK, Begeny CT (2023). Recognizing the diversity in how students define belonging: evidence of differing conceptualizations, including as a function of students’ gender and socioeconomic background. Social Psychology of Education, 26(3), 673-708. Abstract.
Begeny CT, Arshad H, Cuming T, Dhariwal DK, Fisher RA, Franklin MD, Jackson PM, McLachlan GM, Searle RH, Newlands C, et al (2023). Sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape by colleagues in the surgical workforce, and how women and men are living different realities: observational study using NHS population-derived weights. British Journal of Surgery Abstract.
Begeny CT, Huo YJ, Smith HJ, Rodriguez BS (2023). To Alleviate Group Members’ Physiological Stress, Supervisors Need to be More than Polite and Professional. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 26(5), 1140-1160. Abstract.
Opara V, Ryan MK, Sealy R, Begeny C (2023). “Fitting in whilst standing out”: Identity flexing strategies of professional British women of African, Asian, and Caribbean ethnicities. Frontiers in Sociology: Work, Employment and Organizations, 8 Abstract.
Judge M, Fernando JW, Begeny CT (2022). Dietary behaviour as a form of collective action: a social identity model of vegan activism. Appetite, 168, 105730-105730.
Begeny CT, Grossman RC, Ryan MK (2022). Overestimating women’s representation in medicine: a survey of medical professionals’ estimates and their(un)willingness to support gender equality initiatives. BMJ Open, 12(3), e054769-e054769. Abstract.
Feenstra S, Begeny CT, Jordan J, Ryan MK, Stoker JI, Rink FA (2022). Reaching the top but not feeling on top of the world: Examining women’s internalized power threats. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 Abstract.
Fernández DP, Ryan MK, Begeny CT (2022). Support (and rejection) of meritocracy as a self‐enhancement identity strategy: a qualitative study of university students’ perceptions about meritocracy in higher education. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(4), 595-611. Abstract.
Begeny CT, van Breen J, Leach CW, van Zomeren M, Iyer A (2022). The power of the Ingroup for promoting collective action: How distinctive treatment from fellow minority members motivates collective action. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Abstract.
Begeny CT, Huo YJ, Smith HJ, Ryan MK (2021). Being treated fairly in groups is important, but not sufficient: the role of distinctive treatment in groups, and its implications for mental health. PLoS One, 1-28. Abstract.
Begeny C, Wong CYE, Kirby TA, Rink F (2021). Gender, Race, and Leadership. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology Abstract.
Doyle DM, Begeny C, Barreto M, Morton T (2021). Identity-Related Factors Protect Well-Being against Stigma for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People. Archives of Sexual Behavior Abstract.
Meeussen L, Begeny C, Peters K, Ryan M (2021). In traditionally male-dominated fields, women are less willing to make sacrifices for their career because discrimination and lower fit with people up the ladder make sacrifices less worthwhile. Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Suppes A, van der Toorn J, Begeny CT (2021). Unhealthy closets, discriminatory dwellings: the mental health benefits and costs of being open about one's sexual minority status. Social Science & Medicine, 285, 114286-114286.
Feenstra S, Begeny CT, Ryan MK, Rink FA, Stoker JI, Jordan J (2020). Contextualizing the Impostor “Syndrome”. Frontiers in Psychology, 11
Hornsey MJ, Finlayson M, Chatwood G, Begeny CT (2020). Donald Trump and vaccination: the effect of political identity, conspiracist ideation and presidential tweets on vaccine hesitancy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88, 103947-103947.
Begeny CT, Ryan MK, Moss-Racusin CA, Ravetz G (2020). In Some Professions Women Have Become Well-Represented, Yet Gender Bias Persists – Perpetuated by Those Who Think it is Not Happening. Science Advances, 6 Abstract.
Morgenroth T, Ryan MK, Rink F, Begeny C (2020). The (in)compatibility of identities: Understanding gender differences in work–life conflict through the fit with leaders. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(2), 448-469. Abstract.
Ryan M, Begeny C, Bongiorno R, Kirby T, Morgenroth T (2020). Understanding Barriers to Workplace Equality: a Focus on the Target’s Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology
Begeny CT, Huo YJ (2018). Is it always good to feel valued? the psychological benefits and costs of higher perceived status in one’s ethnic minority group. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21(1), 193-213. Abstract.
Begeny CT, Huo YJ (2017). When identity hurts: How positive intragroup experiences can yield negative mental health implications for ethnic and sexual minorities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 803-817. Abstract.
Wilson RS, Boyle PA, Segawa E, Yu L, Begeny CT, Anagnos SE, Bennett DA (2013). The influence of cognitive decline on well-being in old age. Psychology and Aging, 28(2), 304-313. Abstract.
Barnes LL, Lewis TT, Begeny CT, Yu L, Bennett DA, Wilson RS (2012). Perceived discrimination and cognition in older African Americans. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18(5), 856-865. Abstract.
Wilson RS, Begeny CT, Boyle PA, Schneider JA, Bennett DA (2011). Vulnerability to stress, anxiety, and development of dementia in old age. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(4), 327-334. Abstract.


Huo YJ, Binning KR, Begeny CT (2015). Respect and the viability of ethnically diverse institutions. In Otten S, van der Zee KI, Brewer MB (Eds.) Towards inclusive organizations: Determinants of successful diversity management at work, New York, NY: Psychology Press, 49-66. Abstract.


United Nations DRR w/ Fisher, Ryan & Begeny (2023). Career Barriers and Motivations for Women and Men Working in Disaster Risk Reduction., United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. 17 pages. Abstract.
HelloUnity w/ Begeny CT (2021). The Impact of Hidden Bias in Job Adverts on Female Applicants. Openreach.  Author URL.
Begeny CT, Ryan M (2018). Gender discrimination in the veterinary profession: a brief report of the BVA Employers’ Study 2018. British Veterniary Association. Abstract.
Begeny CT, Ryan M, Bongiorno R (2018). Motivation, satisfaction, and retention: Understanding the importance of vets’ day-to-day work experiences. British Veterinary Association, British Veterinary Association. 11 pages.

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PSY 3412 - The Psychology of Gender

LAW 3169 - Equality and Diversity at Work



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Supervision / Group

Research Fellows

  • Miriam Zehnter

Postgraduate researchers

  • Daniela Fernandez Olguin
  • Emily Hutchinson
  • Nicole Russell Pascual
  • Hannah Stokoe


  • Victoria Opara

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Office Hours:

Meetings by Appointment

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