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Professor Edward Watkins

Professor Edward Watkins

Professor of Experimental and Applied Clinical Psychology


 Sir Henry Wellcome Building for Mood Disorders Research F09


Sir Henry Wellcome Building for Mood Disorders Research, University of Exeter, Queens Drive, Exeter, EX4 4QQ, UK


I am a research clinical psychologist, with an MSc and Chartership in Clinical Psychology (1995) and a PhD (1998), both from the Institute of Psychiatry , London. From 1995-2003, I worked as a cognitive therapist at the Affective Disorders Unit, Maudsley Hospital, London, a national unit specialising in the treatment of depression, working in in-patient, out-patient and primary care settings.  I was a core supervisor on the Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Psychology Diploma Course in Cognitive Therapy from 1998-2003. 

I was awarded the British Psychological Society's May Davidson Award for 2004. This award is for “a clinical psychologist who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of clinical psychology within the first 10 years of his/her work as a qualified clinical psychologist. The contribution may be through clinical research or other professional work. It should be innovative and of an order sufficient to become widely recognised as an important development in British clinical psychology”.

I currently work as a researcher, teacher, clinical trainer and clinical practitioner within the Mood Disorders Centre, which is a partnership between the University of Exeter and Devon Partnership NHS Trust. I am the director of the Study of Maladaptive to Adaptive Repetitive Thought (SMART) lab.

I served as an expert member of the NICE Guidelines for Depression in Adults from 2015-2022.

Please contact me about:

  • Rumination and worry - their mechanism and treatment
  • The treatment and dissemination of rumination-focused CBT
  • Research into understanding the active ingredients of CBT and Behavioural Activation
  • Improving mental health in young people including university students
  • Treatment and prevention of anxiety and depression

Nurture-U university mental health studies

We are now running several studies to find ways to improve mental health in university students.

- Bounce Back investigates the use of supported workbooks to improve resilience in students at the University of Exeter.

- a trial of a self-help app to reduce worry and build confidence to improve mental health for university students. Our research has found that over 40% of students report high levels of worry and unhelpful overthinking and this app is designed to target this risk factor in students. The app is based on evidence-based therapies and has been co-designed with students. The trial is open to UK university students with elevated worry and overthinking.

- a trial of self-guided internet cognitive-behavioural therapy versus therapist-supported internet cognitive-behavioural therapy for students with elevated anxiety and/or depression symptoms. Such internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy is a proven treatment and routinely offered by university wellbeing services but we don't know who will benefit from which approach and what proportion of students benefit from self-help alone, who really need therapist-supported therapy, or who need more intensive therapy. Answering these questions will help to plan university student services more accurately. This trial is open to UK university students with elevated anxiety and/or depression symptoms. 

Wellcome Trust grant to improve psychotherapy

I have recently been funded by the Wellcome Trust for a large-scale programme to investigate the active ingredients of CBT to reduce worry and rumination, as part of their recent Mental Health call on Looking Backwards to Move Forwards

This research will enable us to further enhance interventions for these transdiagnostic processes and thereby improve prevention and treatment across mood disorders, anxiety disorders and psychosis.One workstream within the project is a factorial trial to disentangle the active components of rumination-focused CBT - this will build on our recently published work on factorial trials for internet CBT in JAMA Psychiatry  

The programme will also include experimental studies and co-design with experts-by-experience to further enhance our understanding and treatment of repetitive negative thought.

We have a number of posts already advertised within this grant. 

We have a 4-year fully funded PhD

We have a 6-year postdoctoral researcher post – with a focus towards lived experience engagement and co-design research.

We have another 6-year postdoctoral researcher or clinical psychologist post – with a focus on experimental work and treatment development and evaluation.

We also have a project manager post for 6 years: 

Self-Help guide for tackling worry and rumination

The following document provides self-help tips and strategies for those seeking guidance on how to reduce worry and rumination:

self-help guide to tackle rumination

There is also a general well-being self-help guide using Behavioural Activation principles written for use during COVID-19 pandemic.

Strategies and Tips for Mental and Emotional Well-being (COVID update)

Therapy Training material - RFCBT

The latest NICE Guidelines for Treatment of Adult Depression (NG222) ecommend that treatment for chronic depression includes CBT that explicitly targets rumination as a maintaining mechanism and that psychological interventions are adapted for relapse prevention to also tackle rumination.

We have now developed training programmes and online courses in rumination-focused CBT - and are now running these courses under the auspices of NHS England for Talking Therapies services in the South-West of the UK. We may extend this training internationally - please send us an email if you are interested.

For more detail on Rumination-focused CBT -please see the treatment manual published by Guilford Press

For details on absorption training, please see the attached self-help guide for patients and the attached script for therapists.

Therapy training material - Behavioural Activation (BA) Guide for COVID-19
Many therapists are likely to be working from home and delivering treatment remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is guidance in how to adapt BA for remote delivery and for where clients are stuck at home, building on the BA work developed within SMART lab. This guide assumes that therapists are already familiar with all of the main features of BA. 

Please click on the link below to access the guide:

Behavioural Activation (BA) guide for therapists - adapting to COVID-19

This guide is accompanied by a worksheet for explaining the BA model and a supplement to support guided self-help workbooks.

BA worksheet to explain the model

BA supplement to support guided self-help workbooks (SPARK)

Audio/video presentations:

Please see below a selection of recorded presentations/talks/blogs:

Mind Over Natter talk: How to not worry about worry

Better Thinking interview on rumination

ABCT webinar on Rumination-focused CBT

Talking with Jackie Persons - SSCP Translating Science to Practice - strategies for treating rumination


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1998
Dissertation: “Contextual Awareness and the Maintenance of Depressed Mood”.

1994-1995 Institute of Psychiatry one year Diploma Course in Cognitive Therapy

Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1995

MSc in Clinical Psychology, University of London, 1994

BA (Hons) Psychology and Physiology 1st Class (Congratulatory) University of Oxford, 1992


From September 2005 to August 2007: Reader in Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Exeter

From October 2003 to September 2005: Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Exeter

From October 1998 to September 2003: Research Fellow in Cognitive Clinical Psychology of Depression, Jointly held between Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, London & MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge


Research group links

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Research interests

  • Cognitive behavioural and behavioural activation approaches to depression
  • Cognition and emotion
  • Onset, maintenance, recurrence, treatment and prevention of depression
  • Ruminative thinking, worry, autobiographical memory, emotional processing, problem solving, transdiagnostic processes, procrastination, being effective.
  • New approaches to trial design and methodology, e.g,, MOST, SMART designs
  • Prevention of depression and anxiety in young people
  • Digital interventions e.g., internet treatment, mobile apps

Research projects

1. Nurture-U study

I am leading a 4-year £4million flagship MRC/AHRC/ESRC funded grant within the Adolescence, Mental Health and Developing Minds scheme focused on understanding and improving university student mental health. The project involves the Universities of Exeter, Oxford, Southampton, Newcastle, Cardiff and King’s College London..

The programme includes workstreams examining different elements across a whole university approach:

(a)    in-depth surveys of students each winter and spring to understand rates of mental health difficulties, how they vary across the wide diversity of the student body, the use and helpfulness of different services/resources, and protective and risk factors. To date, we have over 6000 students completing surveys in our first year; 
(b)    the co-design and evaluation of a web-based tool for students to use as a electronic wellbeing record/passport and that improves signposting of students to relevant services and resources;
(c)    a focus on understanding how to make campuses more compassionate and inclusive. This includes the use of focus groups, embedded anthropological observation, and video ethnography to examine where university culture, leadership, systems and bureaucracy, and curricula can act to increase or decrease students’ experience of being supported and valued and their sense of belonging. We also recognise the critical importance of isolation and loneliness and are piloting a social prescribing approach to build social connectedness.
(d)    Developing and evaluating a state-of-the-art mental health literacy course for students designed to promote healthy behaviours and improved resilience, with encouraging initial findings.
(e)    Randomised controlled trials to investigate (i) a supported student-developed strengths-based intervention to build resilience in students; (ii) a self-guided app to build confidence and reduce worry in students – with over 40% of students reporting high levels of worry; (iii) self-guided versus therapist-supported versions of internet cognitive-behavioural therapy for anxiety and depression. Such treatments are commonly used by university wellbeing services but we don’t know who might benefit from which or how best to distribute resources between self-help versus therapist-based interventions. This trial will answer this question to improve planning of therapy and wellbeing services.

2. Wellcome Trust "Understanding the mechanisms driving the reduction of repetitive negative thought."

We have been funded by the Wellcome Trust for a large-scale six-year programme to investigate the active ingredients of CBT to reduce worry and rumination, as part of their recent Mental Health call on Looking Backwards to Move Forwards. This research will enable us to further enhance interventions for these transdiagnostic processes and thereby improve prevention and treatment across mood disorders, anxiety disorders and psychosis.


We have a 4-year fully funded PhD:

 University webpage: Award details | Funding and scholarships for students | University of Exeter

 FindaPhD: Understanding the mechanisms driving the reduction of repetitive negative thought at University of Exeter on

We have a 6-year postdoctoral researcher post – with a focus towards lived experience engagement and co-design research:

 ‘Click here’ to view the advert on UoE website.

We have another 6-year postdoctoral researcher or clinical psychologist post – with a focus on experimental work and treatment development and evaluation:

 ‘Click here’ to view the advert on UoE website.

We also have a project manager post for 6 years:

3. IMPROVE Study
The Mood Disorders Centre, University of Exeter has recently completed an innovative trial to investigate and improve internet-based psychotherapy for depression. The IMPROVE trial provided free and open access internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for people with major depression, supported by online guidance from a trained psychological wellbeing practitioner. The initial study is funded by a University of Exeter Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund Seedcorn grant to Professor Ed Watkins, a clinical psychologist who leads the Mood Disorders Centre. It investigated which components of internet CBT for depression were the main actie ingredients. This study is now completed and the main outcome paper has been published in JAMA Psychiatry  Investigation of Active Ingredients Within Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression,

2. "Reducing depressive rumination: the role of processing mode".
With support from the Wellcome Trust, a series of experimental studies investigated whether the style that people adopt when thinking about problems or difficulties can influence whether they get better or worse. Rumination is a term used to refer to unhelpful dwelling on problems, mistakes and losses. In particular, the research is examining whether people can be trained in and out of unhelpful ruminative thinking.

3. Rumination-focused CBT for residual depression.
A randomised controlled trial of rumination-focused CBT for patients who have not fully recovered from depression despite adequate treatment with antidepressant medication was funded by the National Alliance for Research into Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) in adults and found that RFCBT was an effective addition to antidepressants in treating residual depression (Watkins et al., 2010). A follow-on trial found that group RFCBT outperformed group CBT in the treatment of out-patient patients with depression (Hvenegaard et al., 2019). An ongoing US NIMH funded trial (in collaboration with University of Utah) is examining whether RFCBT is effective at preventing relapse into depression for adolescents with a history of depression (the RuMeChange trial).

4. Vulnerability to depression in adolescence.
Cognitive factors that may predict risk for depression are being examined in young people aged between 14-21. Several trials have now found that targeting rumination via online treatment in high risk young people is effective at reducing the onset of depression and anxiety (Topper et al., 2017; Cook & Watkins, 2019).

5. ECoWeB (Emotional Competence and Wellbeing in Young People)

This Horizon2020 grant (Prof Watkins, lead applicant) sought to investigate emotions and the role of emotional competence skills in the maintenance of well-being and tests whether a scalable self-help mental health app can promote well-being and prevent poor mental health in young people across UK, Germany, Spain and Belgium. This study has now completed and the study results have been submitted for publication.

Research grants:

1. Wellcome Trust - Wellcome Project Grant - 065809 -“Reducing Persistent Depressive Rumination: The Role of Processing Style”. Value £144, 508. Grant started in May 2002 and ran until August 2006. Principal investigator (PI) on the grant. The Grant employed one full-time postdoctoral researcher. External Grant.

2. Psychiatry Research Trust – Project Grant: “Rumination-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Residual Depression – Investigating Mechanisms”. Value £40, 000 for two years from June 2003.
This grant employed one half-term research assistant for two years to investigate the mechanisms of change of cognitive behavioural therapy for residual depression. With Professor Jan Scott. Internal Grant at Institute of Psychiatry.

3. National Alliance Research into Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) Young Investigator Award: “Rumination-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Residual Depression”. Value $60,000 over two years starting in July 2003, shifted to start in May 2004, running to May 2006. This grant provided monies for a research assistant for two years in order to conduct a pilot randomised controlled trial of rumination-focused CBT. Principal investigator on grant with Professor Jan Scott as mentor. The grant also involves training in administering a randomised controlled trial. External Grant from a prestigious North American mental health charity.

4. Medical Research Council MRC Trial platform: “Preventing depression relapse in NHS practice using Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy”. Value £237,246. For two years from September 2005 to September 2007. Co-PI with Dr Willem Kuyken as PI.

5. Medical Research Council MRC Experimental Medicine Grant: “Cognitive training as a facilitated self-help intervention for depression”. Value £464,000 (full FEC costs £536,426). For 3 years from July 2006 to December 2009. Only 27 out of 199 applications for Experimental Medicine grants were funded – this project was the only psychological (non-medical) project funded. Principal investigator on grant.

6. ESRC CASE Collaborative PhD Studentship: “An investigation of the impact of a facilitated self-help intervention for patients with depression on psychosocial well-being and social functioning”. Funding for PhD studentship for 3 years from October 2006 to October 2009. Value £57900.

7. Wellcome Trust - Wellcome Project Grant 080099/Z/06/Z- “Reducing vulnerability to depression: dysregulation of processing style and depressive rumination.” Value £226, 349. Grant started in September 2006 and ran until August 2009. Principal investigator on the grant. The Grant employed one full-time postdoctoral researcher. External Grant.

8. Great Western Research Collaboration Funded PhD studentship grant: “Psychological Interventions in Palliative Care”. Jointly funded by Great Western Research and Hospiscare. Principal supervisor and applicant. Funding for PhD studentship for 3 years from January 2008 to January 2011. Value £55,000

9. Peninsula Collaborative Leadership in Applied Research Health Care (CLARHC) grant: collaborative partner in bid for £10 million funding from NIHR with £10 million matched funding to develop applied clinical research integrating with the NHS in the Southwest (Mood Disorders Centre a partner in the application).

10.  Wellcome Trust Capital Bid: “Improving Psychological Interventions for Mood Disorders: A Translational Research Approach.” (Grant no: 085965). Principal applicant and co-ordinating applicant for Mood Disorders Centre’s successful bid for developing a new Research Treatment Centre building and Biobehavioural and Virtual Reality Laboratory, £3.6 million.

11. ESRC Research Fellowship: ‘Rumination, goals and autobiographical memory’ (RES-063-27-0254)    Grant value: £168,148. PI – Dr Nicholas Moberly (Prof Watkins acting as Mentor on the grant). Period of award: September 2009- August 2011

12. HTA Grant [08/56/01] – Mindfulness-based CBT as a relapse prevention treatment. Grant value: £2.1 million. PI- Prof Willem Kuyken (Prof Watkins, Co-PI). Period of award: October 2009-September 2013

13. ZonMW (Dutch based funding organisation) – Preventing depression and anxiety disorders by targeting excessive worry and rumination in healthy adolescents. Grant value:  265,500 Euros. Period of award: November 2009 – November 2013. PI- Dr Thomas Ehring (University of Amsterdam) –Prof Watkins, co-PI.

14. Royal Society Travel Award – Determining Selective Information-Processing Biases in Positive and Negative Affect. Period of Award: April to July 2010. Value: £3472 to support sabbatical visit and associated project. PI – Watkins.
15. University of Western Australia Raine Visiting Professor Award – award of $10,000 AUD to support sabbatical collaboration at University of Western Australia

16. NIHR HTA for a Clinical Trials Grant titled “COBRA (Cost and Outcome of BehaviouRal Activation): a Randomised Controlled Trial of Behavioural Activation versus Cognitive Therapy for Depression”. £1.9 million, start date November 2011, for 4 years. PI Professor David Richards (Prof Watkins, Co-PI). This grant has been awarded –final contract details are being settled.

17. The Leverhulme Trust Artist in Residence Grant in Mood Disorders Centre (named artist Daniel Jamieson) £12516 from October 2012 for 10 months. PI –Prof Watkins.

18. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating grant titled An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Concrete Thinking on Worry, Problem-Solving and Cognitive Processing in Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. $200,160 over 3 years (2013-2016). PI Koerner, N. (Prof Watkins, Co-PI). 

19. University of Exeter Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund Seedcorn grant titled IMPROVE-1 (Implementating Multifactorial Psychotherapy Research in Online Virtual Environments) – a feasibility study of multifactorial internet psychotherapy for depression. £30,000 July 2013-December 2013. PI Watkins. 

20. European Commission Seventh Framework Programme Collaborative Project. Project title: MooDFood - Multi‐country cOllaborative project on the rOle of Diet, Food‐related behaviour, and Obesity in the prevention of Depression. 8,930,530 Euros, across 11 EU countries. January 2014-December 2018. Chief Investigator: Stichting, VUA, Netherlands; Watkins PI for Exeter site (870,000 euros to Exeter).  

21. Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and South West Peninsula Academic Health Services Network. Title: Innovation in Understanding, Implementation, and Impact of Psychological Treatments for Mental Health. £720,000. (£550k in new research posts and research costs into University of Exeter, plus £160k service support therapist costs in NHS). April 2014 –May 2017. Prof Watkins PI.

22.  Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award – PI Prof Mark Jackson (Medical History). 'Lifestyle, health and disease: changing concepts of balance in modern medicine'. £825,000. Professor Edward Watkins is a collaborator on this award.

23. Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholarship. Student - Rosie Hattersley, June to August 2013. Title: Implicit Cognitive Bias Manipulation of Abstract Conceptual Processing Style : Testing whether an implicit computer-based task can modify processing and influence emotional reactivity. £1440

24. 2013 Brain and Behavior Research foundation, NARSAD Young Investigator Grant PI Dr Pia Pechtel. Title: “Depression and Reward Responsiveness in Adolescents with a History of Child Sexual Abuse. $60,000.  06/01/2013 - 01/14/2015.  Prof Watkins will be the primary mentor for Dr Pechtel on this project. 

25.  Armed Forces Covenant Libor Fund, application from Help for Heroes, titled Hidden Wounds Programme. £2.75 million over 5 years. Project manager and applicant: David Richmond, Help for Heroes. Prof Watkins is PI on research component – the Mood Disorders Centre is providing an academic partnership to develop and evaluate treatment components of the service.

26. Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund –University of Exeter 2 – Centre for Biomedical Modelling and Analysis. £1 million for 2 years. PI – Prof Nick Talbot, Prof Watkins co-I, with Prof Terry, Prof Frayling etc. annual income £500k per annum. 2014-2016

27. Hong Kong Health and Medical Research Fund - $HK 1 million, Title: “Internet-based mindfulness and rumination-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy as selective prevention of anxiety and depression: a randomised controlled trial”. Watkins Co-I, Prof Winnie Mak, CUHK, PI. April 2016- April 2018.

28. (FY2016) Comprehensive Research on Disability Health and Welfare, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). Title: Novel CBT Programs for people with mental disorder: treatment and dissemination. Principal Investigator: Atsuo Nakagawa, MD, Keio University, CI Prof Ed Watkins, University of Exeter. Budget: 3,500,000 JPY per year for three years from April 2016. This grant takes my rumination-focused CBT for depression and translates/adapts it for Japan and conducts a pilot trial.

29. European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme Collaborative Project. Project title: Assessing and Enhancing Emotional Competence for Well-Being (ECoWeB) in the Young: A principled, evidence-based, mobile-health approach to prevent mental disorders and promote mental well-being. 3,999,980 Euros, across 8 EU countries. January 2018-December 2021. Chief Investigator: Watkins Lead Chief Investigator and PI for Exeter site and main trial (1.2 M euros to Exeter).  

30. Australian Research Council – Discovery Projects. ID:DP170104533. Project title: The cognitive basis of resilience. AU$ 478,167. Principal investigator: Prof Colin MacLeod, University of Western Australia. Prof Watkins as Co-investigator. October 2017 to September 2020. 

31. United States of America National Institute of Mental Health. R61/R33 Project title: Developing rumination-focused treatment to reduce risk for depression recurrence in adolescence. $872,656 for first-stage 2-year R61 grant, expanding to cumulative total of $3,382,751 if meet pre-specified target conditions to proceed to further 3-year R33 grant.  October 2018 to October 2020 for phase 1, to October 2023 if second-phase funded. Principal investigators: Scott Langenecker (University of Utah, Salt Lake City); Edward Watkins, University of Exeter. 

32. Wellcome Clinical Research Development Fellowship awarded to Dr Pia Pechtel, project title: “Neurobiological mechanisms of emotional relief in adolescents with a history of sexual abuse”. £230,048 for 24 months from November 2018 to October 2020, progressing to another 5 years and up to £1.5 Million at gateway to second stage. Prof Watkins as mentor and sponsor for Dr Pechtel.

Research networks


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Hammen C, Watkins E (2018). Depression. Abstract.
Hammen C, Watkins E (2013). Depression, second edition. Abstract.
Watkins, E. Mansell, W. Shafran, R. (2004). Cognitive behavioural processes across psychological disorders: a transdiagnostic approach to research and treatment., Oxford University Press.

Journal articles

Farrand P, Greenberg N, Bloomfield T, Watkins E, Mullan E (In Press). Acceptability of a Step 2 psychological therapy service for UK Armed Forces Veterans and family members: a qualitative study. Occupational Medicine
Tyrrell J, O'Loughlin J, Casanova F, Bowden J, Freathy R, Watkins E (In Press). BMI and Well-being in people of East Asian and European Ancestry: a Mendelian Randomisation Study. Translational Psychiatry Abstract.
Watkins ER, Grafton B, Weinstein S, MacLeod C (In Press). For ruminators, the emotional future is bound to the emotional past: Heightened ruminative disposition is characterised by increased emotional extrapolation. Clinical Psychological Science Abstract.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Cohen ZD, Barnett P, Clarke K, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, et al (In Press). Indicators of Prognosis Independent of Treatment for Adults with Depression in Primary Care, Going Beyond Baseline Symptom-Severity: a Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. SSRN Electronic Journal
Burkhouse KL, Jacobs RH, Peters AT, Ajilore O, Watkins ER, Langenecker SA (In Press). Neural Correlates of Rumination in Adolescents with Remitted Major Depressive Disorder and Healthy Controls. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience
Trick LV, Watkins E, Henley W, Gandhi M, Dickens CM (In Press). Perservative negative thinking predicts depression in people with acute coronary syndrome. General Hospital Psychiatry
O'Mahen HA, Tester-Jones M, Karl A, Watkins E (In Press). Rumination in dysphoric mothers negatively affects mother-infant interactions. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Dickens CM, Trick LVT, Watkins E (In Press). The association of perserverative negative thinking with depression, anxiety and emotional distress in people with long term conditions: a systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Deisenhofer A-K, Barkham M, Beierl ET, Schwartz B, Aafjes-van Doorn K, Beevers CG, Berwian IM, Blackwell SE, Bockting CL, Brakemeier E-L, et al (2024). Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward. Behav Res Ther, 172  Author URL.
Langenecker SA, Westlund Schreiner M, Bessette KL, Roberts H, Thomas L, Dillahunt A, Pocius SL, Feldman DA, Jago D, Farstead B, et al (2024). Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Reduces Rumination and Targeted Cross-network Connectivity in Youth with a History of Depression: Replication in a Preregistered Randomized Clinical Trial. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 4(1), 1-10.
Roberts H, Schreiner MW, Pocius S, Dillahunt AK, Farstead B, Feldman D, Bessette KL, Kaufman EA, Slattery W, Jacobs RH, et al (2024). State rumination predicts inhibitory control failures and dysregulation of default, salience, and cognitive control networks in youth at risk of depressive relapse: Findings from the RuMeChange trial. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 16, 100729-100729.
Dooley J, Ghezal A, Gilpin T, Hassan Basri H, Humberstone K, Lahdelma A, Misurya P, Marshall E, Watkins E (2023). Assessing the impact of university students’ involvement in the first year of Nurture-U: a national student wellbeing research project. BMC Research Involvement and Engagement Abstract.
Toyomoto R, Sakata M, Yoshida K, Luo Y, Nakagami Y, Uwatoko T, Shimamoto T, Sahker E, Tajika A, Suga H, et al (2023). Corrigendum to "Prognostic factors and effect modifiers for personalisation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy among university students with subthreshold depression: a secondary analysis of a factorial trial" [J. Affect. Disord. 322 (2023) 156-162]. J Affect Disord, 325, 824-825.  Author URL.
Funk J, Kopf-Beck J, Watkins E, Ehring T (2023). Does an app designed to reduce repetitive negative thinking decrease depression and anxiety in young people? (RETHINK): a randomized controlled prevention trial. Trials, 24(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas LR, Bessette KL, Westlund Schreiner M, Dillahunt AK, Frandsen SB, Pocius SL, Schubert BL, Farstead BW, Roberts H, Watkins ER, et al (2023). Early Emergence of Rumination has no Association with Performance on a Non-affective Inhibitory Control Task. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 1-17. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mak WWS, Tong ACY, Fu ACM, Leung IWY, Jung OHC, Watkins ER, Lui WWS (2023). Efficacy of Internet‐based rumination‐focused cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness‐based intervention with guided support in reducing risks of depression and anxiety: a randomized controlled trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(2), 696-722. Abstract.
Edge D, Watkins E, Newbold A, Ehring T, Frost M, Rosenkranz T (2023). Evaluating the effects of a self-help mobile phone application on worry and rumination experienced by young adults: a randomised controlled trial. (Preprint). JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Marsh LC, Patel SD, Smith AJ, So M, Armstrong H, Elliott R, Watkins E, Moulds M, Dalgleish T, Hitchcock C, et al (2023). From basic science to clinical practice: can cognitive behavioural therapy tasks be augmented with enhanced episodic specificity?. Behav Res Ther, 167 Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins E, Newbold A, Tester-Jones M, Collins LM, Mostazir M (2023). Investigation of Active Ingredients Within Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: a Randomized Optimization Trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(9), 942-951. Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Loughlin J, Casanova F, Fairhurst-Hunter Z, Hughes A, Bowden J, Watkins ER, Freathy RM, Millwood IY, Lin K, Chen Z, et al (2023). Mendelian randomisation study of body composition and depression in people of East Asian ancestry highlights potential setting-specific causality. BMC Med, 21(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Westlund Schreiner M, Roberts H, Dillahunt AK, Farstead B, Feldman D, Thomas L, Jacobs RH, Bessette KL, Welsh RC, Watkins ER, et al (2023). Negative association between <scp>non‐suicidal self‐injury</scp> in adolescents and default mode network activation during the distraction blocks of a rumination task. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 53(3), 510-521. Abstract.
Buckman JEJ, Cohen ZD, O'Driscoll C, Fried EI, Saunders R, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, et al (2023). Predicting prognosis for adults with depression using individual symptom data: a comparison of modelling approaches. Psychol Med, 53(2), 408-418. Abstract.  Author URL.
Toyomoto R, Sakata M, Yoshida K, Luo Y, Nakagami Y, Uwatoko T, Shimamoto T, Sahker E, Tajika A, Suga H, et al (2023). Prognostic factors and effect modifiers for personalisation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy among university students with subthreshold depression: a secondary analysis of a factorial trial. J Affect Disord, 322, 156-162. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schreiner MW, Miller RH, Jacobsen AM, Crowell SE, Kaufman EA, Farstead B, Feldman DA, Thomas L, Bessette KL, Welsh RC, et al (2023). Rumination Induction Task in fMRI: Test-Retest Reliability in Youth and Potential Mechanisms of Change with Intervention. medRxiv Abstract.  Author URL.
Castro A, Gili M, Visser M, Penninx BWJH, Brouwer IA, Montaño JJ, Pérez-Ara MÁ, García-Toro M, Watkins E, Owens M, et al (2023). Soft Drinks and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Overweight Subjects: a Longitudinal Analysis of an European Cohort. Nutrients, 15(18), 3865-3865. Abstract.
Cohen ZD, DeRubeis RJ, Hayes R, Watkins ER, Lewis G, Byng R, Byford S, Crane C, Kuyken W, Dalgleish T, et al (2023). The Development and Internal Evaluation of a Predictive Model to Identify for Whom Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Offers Superior Relapse Prevention for Recurrent Depression Versus Maintenance Antidepressant Medication. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 11(1), 59-76.  Author URL.
Edge D, Watkins ER, Limond J, Mugadza J (2023). The efficacy of self-guided internet and mobile-based interventions for preventing anxiety and depression – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 164, 104292-104292.
Wallsten D, Norell A, Anniko M, Eriksson O, Lamourín V, Halldin I, Kindbom T, Hesser H, Watkins E, Tillfors M, et al (2023). Treatment of worry and comorbid symptoms within depression, anxiety, and insomnia with a group-based rumination-focused cognitive-behaviour therapy in a primary health care setting: a randomised controlled trial. Front Psychol, 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Astle DE, Moore A, Marryat L, Viding E, Mansfield KL, Fazel M, Pierce M, Abel KM, Green J, John A, et al (2023). We need timely access to mental health data: implications of the Goldacre review. Lancet Psychiatry, 10(4), 242-244.  Author URL.
Rogiers R, Baeken C, Watkins ER, van den Abbeele D, Remue J, de Raedt R, Lemmens GMD (2022). A Psychoeducational CBT-based Group Intervention (“Drop it”) for Repetitive Negative Thinking: Theoretical Concepts and Treatment Processes. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 72(3), 257-292.
Umegaki Y, Nakagawa A, Watkins E, Mullan E (2022). A Rumination-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Self-Help Program to Reduce Depressive Rumination in High-Ruminating Japanese Female University Students: a Case Series Study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 29(2), 468-484. Abstract.
Hitchcock C, Rudokaite J, Haag C, Patel SD, Smith AJ, Kuhn I, Jermann F, Ma SH, Kuyken W, Williams JM, et al (2022). Autobiographical memory style and clinical outcomes following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT): an individual patient data meta-analysis. Behav Res Ther, 151 Abstract.  Author URL.
Sakata M, Toyomoto R, Yoshida K, Luo Y, Nakagami Y, Uwatoko T, Shimamoto T, Tajika A, Suga H, Ito H, et al (2022). Components of smartphone cognitive-behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression among 1093 university students: a factorial trial. Evid Based Ment Health, 25(e1), e18-e25. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bear HA, Ayala Nunes L, DeJesus J, Liverpool S, Moltrecht B, Neelakantan L, Harriss E, Watkins E, Fazel M (2022). Determination of Markers of Successful Implementation of Mental Health Apps for Young People: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(11), e40347-e40347. Abstract.
Pechtel P, Harris J, Karl A, Clunies-Ross C, Bower S, Moberly NJ, Pizzagalli DA, Watkins ER (2022). Emerging ecophenotype: reward anticipation is linked to high-risk behaviours after sexual abuse. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 17(11), 1035-1043. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rogiers R, Baeken C, Van den Abbeele D, Watkins ER, Remue J, Colman R, De Raedt R, Lemmens GMD (2022). Group Intervention 'Drop it!' Decreases Repetitive Negative Thinking in Major Depressive Disorder and/or Generalized Anxiety Disorder: a Randomised Controlled Study. COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH, 46(1), 182-196.  Author URL.
Dunn B (2022). How well do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Activation for depression repair anhedonia? a secondary analysis of the COBRA randomised controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy Abstract.
Stefanovic M, Rosenkranz T, Ehring T, Watkins ER, Takano K (2022). Is a High Association Between Repetitive Negative Thinking and Negative Affect Predictive of Depressive Symptoms? a Clustering Approach for Experience-Sampling Data. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10(1), 74-89.  Author URL.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Arundell L-L, Oshinowo ID, Cohen ZD, O'Driscoll C, Barnett P, Stott J, Ambler G, Gilbody S, et al (2022). Life events and treatment prognosis for depression: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 299, 298-308. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dillahunt A, Feldman D, Thomas L, Farstead B, Frandsen S, Lee S, Pazdera M, Galloway J, Bessette K, Roberts H, et al (2022). P266. The Balloon Analogue Risk Task and Adolescent Self-Injurious Behaviors. Biological Psychiatry, 91(9).
Dillahunt AK, Feldman DA, Thomas LR, Farstead BW, Frandsen SB, Lee S, Pazdera M, Galloway J, Bessette KL, Roberts H, et al (2022). Self-Injury in Adolescence is Associated with Greater Behavioral Risk Avoidance, Not Risk-Taking. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(5). Abstract.
Chapman N, Browning M, Baghurst D, Hotopf M, Willis D, Haylock S, Zakaria S, Speechley J, Withey J, Brooks E, et al (2022). Setting national research priorities for difficult-to-treat depression in the UK between 2021-2026. J Glob Health, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Stott J, Cohen ZD, Arundell L-L, Eley TC, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, Ambler G, Watkins E, et al (2022). Socioeconomic Indicators of Treatment Prognosis for Adults with Depression: a Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 79(5), 406-416. Abstract.  Author URL.
Visla A, Stadelmann C, Watkins E, Zinbarg RE, Flueckiger C (2022). The Relation Between Worry and Mental Health in Nonclinical Population and Individuals with Anxiety and Depressive Disorders: a Meta-Analysis. COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH, 46(3), 480-501.  Author URL.
Saunders R, Cohen ZD, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Wiles N, Kessler D, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, Watkins E, et al (2021). A Patient Stratification Approach to Identifying the Likelihood of Continued Chronic Depression and Relapse Following Treatment for Depression. J Pers Med, 11(12). Abstract.  Author URL.
Moeller SB, Kvist V, Jansen JE, Watkins ER (2021). Clinical Case of a Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Rumination-Focused CBT for Anger Rumination. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 51(4), 311-321. Abstract.
Vreijling SR, Penninx BWJH, Bot M, Watkins E, Owens M, Kohls E, Hegerl U, Roca M, Gili M, Brouwer IA, et al (2021). Effects of dietary interventions on depressive symptom profiles: results from the MooDFOOD depression prevention study. Psychol Med, 52(15), 1-10. Abstract.  Author URL.
Owens M, Watkins E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx BWJH, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, Gili M, et al (2021). Habitual Behavior as a Mediator Between Food-Related Behavioral Activation and Change in Symptoms of Depression in the MooDFOOD Trial. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(4), 649-665. Abstract.
Casanova F, O'Loughlin J, Martin S, Beaumont RN, Wood AR, Watkins ER, Freathy RM, Hagenaars SP, Frayling TM, Yaghootkar H, et al (2021). Higher adiposity and mental health: causal inference using Mendelian randomization. Hum Mol Genet, 30(24), 2371-2382. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, O'Driscoll C, Cohen ZD, Stott J, Ambler G, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, Watkins E, et al (2021). Is social support pre-treatment associated with prognosis for adults with depression in primary care?. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 143(5), 392-405. Abstract.  Author URL.
Roberts H, Jacobs RH, Bessette KL, Crowell SE, Westlund-Schreiner M, Thomas L, Easter RE, Pocius SL, Dillahunt A, Frandsen S, et al (2021). Mechanisms of rumination change in adolescent depression (RuMeChange): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of rumination-focused cognitive behavioural therapy to reduce ruminative habit and risk of depressive relapse in high-ruminating adolescents. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dogan-Sander E, Baldofski S, Mauche N, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Cabout M, Gili M, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, Owens M, et al (2021). Overweight and obese individuals with depressive symptoms from the MooDFOOD prevention trial: Role of sociodemographic, somatic health, and weight related factors. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 4
Mostazir M, Taylor G, Henley WE, Watkins ER, Taylor RS (2021). Per-Protocol analyses produced larger treatment effect sizes than intention to treat: a meta-epidemiological study. J Clin Epidemiol, 138, 12-21. Abstract.  Author URL.
Edge D, Newbold A, Ehring T, Rosenkranz T, Frost M, Watkins ER (2021). Reducing worry and rumination in young adults via a mobile phone app: study protocol of the ECoWeB (Emotional Competence for Well-Being in Young Adults) randomised controlled trial focused on repetitive negative thinking. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1). Abstract.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Stott J, Arundell L-L, O'Driscoll C, Davies MR, Eley TC, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, Ambler G, et al (2021). Role of age, gender and marital status in prognosis for adults with depression: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 30 Abstract.  Author URL.
Mollaahmetoglu OM, Palmer E, Maschauer E, Nolan MC, Stevens T, Carlyle M, Hardy L, Watkins ER, Morgan CJA (2021). The acute effects of alcohol on state rumination in the laboratory. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 238(6), 1671-1686. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Cohen ZD, Barnett P, Clarke K, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, et al (2021). The contribution of depressive ‘disorder characteristics’ to determinations of prognosis for adults with depression: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 51(7), 1068-1081. Abstract.
O'Driscoll C, Buckman JEJ, Fried EI, Saunders R, Cohen ZD, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, et al (2021). The importance of transdiagnostic symptom level assessment to understanding prognosis for depressed adults: analysis of data from six randomised control trials. BMC Med, 19(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Loughlin J, Casanova F, Jones SE, Hagenaars SP, Beaumont RN, Freathy RM, Watkins ER, Vetter C, Rutter MK, Cain SW, et al (2021). Using Mendelian Randomisation methods to understand whether diurnal preference is causally related to mental health. Mol Psychiatry, 26(11), 6305-6316. Abstract.  Author URL.
Roberts H, Mostazir M, Moberly NJ, Watkins ER, Adlam A-L (2021). Working memory updating training reduces state repetitive negative thinking: Proof-of-concept for a novel cognitive control training. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 142, 103871-103871.
Owens M, Watkins E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx B, van Grootheest G, Cabout M, Hegerl U, et al (2020). Acceptability and feasibility of two interventions in the MooDFOOD Trial: a food-related depression prevention randomised controlled trial in overweight adults with subsyndromal symptoms of depression. BMJ Open, 10(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Rosenkranz T, Takano K, Watkins ER, Ehring T (2020). Assessing repetitive negative thinking in daily life: Development of an ecological momentary assessment paradigm. PLoS One, 15(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pérez-Ara MÁ, Gili M, Visser M, Penninx BWJH, Brouwer IA, Watkins E, Owens M, García-Toro M, Hegerl U, Kohls E, et al (2020). Associations of Non-Alcoholic Beverages with Major Depressive Disorder History and Depressive Symptoms Clusters in a Sample of Overweight Adults. Nutrients, 12(10), 3202-3202. Abstract.
Paans NPG, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Visser M, Gili M, Roca M, Hegerl U, Kohls E, Owens M, Watkins E, et al (2020). Effects of food-related behavioral activation therapy on eating styles, diet quality and body weight change: Results from the MooDFOOD Randomized Clinical Trial. J Psychosom Res, 137 Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Newbold A (2020). Factorial Designs Help to Understand How Psychological Therapy Works. Front Psychiatry, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hvenegaard M, Moeller SB, Poulsen S, Gondan M, Grafton B, Austin SF, Kistrup M, Rosenberg NGK, Howard H, Watkins ER, et al (2020). Group rumination-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) v. group CBT for depression: phase II trial. Psychol Med, 50(1), 11-19. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bessette KL, Jacobs RH, Heleniak C, Peters AT, Welsh RC, Watkins ER, Langenecker SA (2020). Malleability of rumination: an exploratory model of CBT-based plasticity and long-term reduced risk for depressive relapse among youth from a pilot randomized clinical trial. PLOS ONE, 15(6), e0233539-e0233539.
Owens M, Watkins E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx BWJH, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, Gili M, et al (2020). Nutrition and depression: Summary of findings from the EU‐funded MooDFOOD depression prevention randomised controlled trial and a critical review of the literature. Nutrition Bulletin, 45(4), 403-414. Abstract.
Newbold A, Warren FC, Taylor RS, Hulme C, Burnett S, Aas B, Botella C, Burkhardt F, Ehring T, Fontaine JRJ, et al (2020). Promotion of mental health in young adults via mobile phone app: study protocol of the ECoWeB (emotional competence for well-being in Young adults) cohort multiple randomised trials. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Roberts H (2020). Reflecting on rumination: Consequences, causes, mechanisms and treatment of rumination. Behaviour Research and Therapy Abstract.
Feldhaus CG, Jacobs RH, Watkins ER, Peters AT, Bessette KL, Langenecker SA (2020). Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Decreases Anxiety and Increases Behavioral Activation Among Remitted Adolescents. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES, 29(7), 1982-1991.  Author URL.
Moeller SB, Austin SF, Hvenegaard M, Kistrup M, Gran S, Watkins E (2020). Rumination-focused cognitive behaviour therapy for non-responsive chronic depression: an uncontrolled group study. Behav Cogn Psychother, 48(3), 376-381. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thesing CS, Milaneschi Y, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Owens M, Hegerl U, Gili M, Roca M, Kohls E, Watkins E, et al (2020). Supplementation-induced increase in circulating omega-3 serum levels is not associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms: Results from the MooDFOOD depression prevention trial. Depress Anxiety, 37(11), 1079-1088. Abstract.  Author URL.
Farrand P, Woodford J, Coumoundouros C, Svedin F (2020). Supported cognitive-behavioural therapy self-help versus treatment-As-usual for depressed informal caregivers of stroke survivors (CEDArS): Feasibility randomised controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 13 Abstract.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Cohen ZD, Clarke K, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, Watkins E, et al (2020). What factors indicate prognosis for adults with depression in primary care? a protocol for meta-analyses of individual patient data using the Dep-GP database. Wellcome Open Research, 4, 69-69. Abstract.
Mostazir M, Taylor RS, Henley W, Watkins E (2019). An overview of statistical methods for handling nonadherence to intervention protocol in randomized control trials: a methodological review. J Clin Epidemiol, 108, 121-131. Abstract.  Author URL.
Baldofski S, Mauche N, Dogan-Sander E, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Paans NPG, Cabout M, Gili M, van Grootheest G, Hegerl U, et al (2019). Depressive Symptom Clusters in Relation to Body Weight Status: Results from Two Large European Multicenter Studies. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10
Bot M, Brouwer I, Roca M, Kohls E, Penninx B, Watkins ER, van Grootheest G, Cabout M, Hegerl U, Gili M, et al (2019). Effect of Multinutrient Supplementation and Food-Related Behavioral Activation Therapy on Prevention of Major Depressive Disorder Among Overweight or Obese Adults with Subsyndromal Depressive Symptoms. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 321, 858-868.
Grasso AC, Olthof MR, van Dooren C, Roca M, Gili M, Visser M, Cabout M, Bot M, Penninx BWJH, van Grootheest G, et al (2019). Effect of food-related behavioral activation therapy on food intake and the environmental impact of the diet: results from the MooDFOOD prevention trial. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(6), 2579-2591. Abstract.
Cook L, Mostazir M, Watkins E (2019). Reducing Stress and Preventing Depression (RESPOND): Randomized Controlled Trial of Web-Based Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for High-Ruminating University Students. J Med Internet Res, 21(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hitchcock C, Rudokaite J, Patel S, Smith A, Kuhn I, Watkins E, Dalgleish T (2019). Role of autobiographical memory in patient response to cognitive behavioural therapies for depression: protocol of an individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 9(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Cohen ZD, Clarke K, Ambler G, DeRubeis RJ, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kendrick T, Watkins E, et al (2019). What factors indicate prognosis for adults with depression in primary care? a protocol for meta-analyses of individual patient data using the Dep-GP database. Wellcome Open Research, 4, 69-69. Abstract.
Uwatoko T, Luo Y, Sakata M, Kobayashi D, Sakagami Y, Takemoto K, Collins LM, Watkins E, Hollon SD, Wason J, et al (2018). Healthy Campus Trial: a multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) fully factorial trial to optimize the smartphone cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) app for mental health promotion among university students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 19(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Farrand P, Jeffs A, Bloomfield T, Greenberg N, Watkins E, Mullan E (2018). Mental health service acceptability for the armed forces veteran community. Occup Med (Lond), 68(6), 391-398. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wild J, El-Salahi S, Tyson G, Lorenz H, Pariante CM, Danese A, Tsiachristas A, Watkins E, Middleton B, Blaber A, et al (2018). Preventing PTSD, depression and associated health problems in student paramedics: Protocol for PREVENT-PTSD, a randomised controlled trial of supported online cognitive training for resilience versus alternative online training and standard practice. BMJ Open, 8(12). Abstract.
Paans NPG, Bot M, Brouwer IA, Visser M, Roca M, Kohls E, Watkins E, Penninx BWJH (2018). The association between depression and eating styles in four European countries: the MooDFOOD prevention study. J Psychosom Res, 108, 85-92. Abstract.  Author URL.
Woodford J, Farrand P, Watkins ER, Lewellyn DJ (2018). ”I Don’t Believe in Leading a Life of My Own, I Lead His Life”: a Qualitative Investigation of Difficulties Experienced by Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors Experiencing Depressive and Anxious Symptoms. Clinical Gerontologist, 41(4), 293-307. Abstract.
Stange JP, Bessette KL, Jenkins LM, Peters AT, Feldhaus C, Crane NA, Ajilore O, Jacobs RH, Watkins ER, Langenecker SA, et al (2017). Attenuated intrinsic connectivity within cognitive control network among individuals with remitted depression: Temporal stability and association with negative cognitive styles. Hum Brain Mapp, 38(6), 2939-2954. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richards DA, Rhodes S, Ekers D, McMillan D, Taylor RS, Byford S, Barrett B, Finning K, Ganguli P, Warren F, et al (2017). Cost and Outcome of BehaviouRal Activation (COBRA): a randomised controlled trial of behavioural activation versus cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression. Health Technol Assess, 21(46), 1-366. Abstract.  Author URL.
Finning K, Richards DA, Moore L, Ekers D, McMillan D, Farrand PA, O'Mahen HA, Watkins ER, Wright KA, Fletcher E, et al (2017). Cost and outcome of behavioural activation versus cognitive behavioural therapy for depression (COBRA): a qualitative process evaluation. BMJ Open, 7(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Southworth F, Grafton B, MacLeod C, Watkins E (2017). Heightened ruminative disposition is associated with impaired attentional disengagement from negative relative to positive information: support for the "impaired disengagement" hypothesis. Cogn Emot, 31(3), 422-434. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ricarte JJ, Ros L, Latorre JM, Watkins E (2017). Mapping autobiographical memory in schizophrenia: Clinical implications. Clin Psychol Rev, 51, 96-108. Abstract.  Author URL.
Topper M, Emmelkamp PMG, Watkins E, Ehring T (2017). Prevention of anxiety disorders and depression by targeting excessive worry and rumination in adolescents and young adults: a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 90, 123-136. Abstract.
O'Shea L, Watkins E, Farrand P (2017). Psychological interventions for the treatment of depression, anxiety, alcohol misuse or anger in armed forces veterans and their families: systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Syst Rev, 6(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins E (2017). Targeted psychological interventions may prevent depression in children and adolescents. Evid Based Ment Health, 20(2).  Author URL.
Freeman D, Sheaves B, Goodwin GM, Yu L-M, Nickless A, Harrison PJ, Emsley R, Luik AI, Foster RG, Wadekar V, et al (2017). The effects of improving sleep on mental health (OASIS): a randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis. Lancet Psychiatry, 4(10), 749-758. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ricarte Trives JJ, Navarro Bravo B, Latorre Postigo JM, Ros Segura L, Watkins E (2016). Age and Gender Differences in Emotion Regulation Strategies: Autobiographical Memory, Rumination, Problem Solving and Distraction. Span J Psychol, 19 Abstract.  Author URL.
Richards DA, Ekers D, McMillan D, Taylor RS, Byford S, Warren FC, Barrett B, Farrand PA, Gilbody S, Kuyken W, et al (2016). Cost and Outcome of Behavioural Activation versus Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression (COBRA): a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial. Lancet
Roberts H, Watkins ER, Wills AJ (2016). Does Rumination Cause “Inhibitory” Deficits?. Psychopathology Review, a4(3), 341-376. Abstract.
Southworth F, Grafton B, MacLeod C, Watkins ER (2016). Heightened ruminative disposition is associated with impaired attentional disengagement from negative relative to positive information: Support for the “impaired disengagement” hypothesis. Cognition and Emotion(4 Jan 2016 online). Abstract.
Watkins E, Newbold A, Tester-Jones M, Javaid M, Cadman J, Collins LM, Graham J, Mostazir M (2016). Implementing multifactorial psychotherapy research in online virtual environments (IMPROVE-2): study protocol for a phase III trial of the MOST randomized component selection method for internet cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression. BMC Psychiatry, 16(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Roca M, Kohls E, Gili M, Watkins E, Owens M, Hegerl U, van Grootheest G, Bot M, Cabout M, Brouwer IA, et al (2016). Prevention of depression through nutritional strategies in high-risk persons: rationale and design of the MooDFOOD prevention trial. BMC Psychiatry, 16 Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Cook L (2016). RESPOND (REducing Stress and Preventing Depression): comparing guided internet-based rumination focused cognitive behavioural therapy (i-RFCBT) versus a no-intervention control to prevent depression in high ruminating young adults, with adjunct assessment of the feasibility of unguided i-RFBCT: Study protocol for a phase III randomised-controlled trial. Trials, 17 Abstract.
Grafton B, Southworth F, Watkins E, MacLeod C (2016). Stuck in a sad place: Biased attentional disengagement in rumination. Emotion, 16(1), 63-72. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jacobs RH, Watkins ER, Peters AT, Feldhaus CG, Barba A, Carbray J, Langenecker SA (2016). Targeting Ruminative Thinking in Adolescents at Risk for Depressive Relapse: Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy in a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial with Resting State fMRI. PLoS One
Trick L, Watkins E, Dickens C (2016). The role of perseverative negative thinking in predicting depression in people with coronary heart disease: Preliminary findings of a prospective cohort study. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH, 85, 83-84.  Author URL.
Watkins ER (2015). An alternative transdiagnostic mechanistic approach to affective disorders illustrated with research from clinical psychology. Emotion Review Abstract.
Kuyken W, Hayes R, Barrett B, Byng R, Dalgleish T, Kessler D, Lewis G, Watkins E, Brejcha C, Cardy J, et al (2015). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence (PREVENT): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Abstract.
De Raedt R, Hertel PT, Watkins ER (2015). Mechanisms of repetitive thinking: Introduction to the special series. Clinical Psychological Science, 3(4), 568-573. Abstract.
Watkins E (2015). Psychological treatment of depressive rumination. Current Opinion in Psychology, 4, 32-36. Abstract.
Hvenegaard M, Watkins ER, Poulsen S, Rosenberg NK, Gondan M, Grafton B, Austin SF, Howard H, Moeller SB (2015). Rumination-focused cognitive behaviour therapy vs. cognitive behaviour therapy for depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled superiority trial. Trials, 16 Abstract.  Author URL.
Tester-Jones M, O'Mahen HA, Karl A, Watkins ER (2015). The Impact of Maternal Characteristics, Infant Temperament and Contextual Factors on Maternal Responsiveness to Infant. Infant Behavior and Development(40), 1-11.
Kuyken W, Hayes R, Barrett B, Byng R, Dalgleish T, Kessler D, Lewis G, Watkins E, Morant N, Taylor RS, et al (2015). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse/recurrence: results of a randomised controlled trial (the PREVENT study). Health Technol Assess, 19(73), 1-124. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Nolen-Hoeksema S (2014). A habit-goal framework of depressive rumination. J Abnorm Psychol, 123(1), 24-34. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rhodes S, Richards DA, Ekers D, McMillan D, Byford S, Farrand PA, Gilbody S, Hollon SD, Kuyken W, Martell C, et al (2014). Cost and outcome of behavioural activation versus cognitive behaviour therapy for depression (COBRA): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Topper M, Emmelkamp PMG, Watkins E, Ehring T (2014). Development and assessment of brief versions of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire and the Ruminative Response Scale. Br J Clin Psychol, 53(4), 402-421. Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffith E, Kuyken W, Watkins E, Jones A (2014). Do Females with Bulimia Nervosa and Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Have Selective Memory Biases?. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Abstract.
Kingston REF, Watkins ER, Nolen-Hoeksema S (2014). Investigating Functional Properties of Depressive Rumination: Insight and Avoidance. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, 5(3), 244-258.  Author URL.
Woodford J, Farrand P, Watkins ER, Richards DA, Llewellyn DJ (2014). Supported cognitive-behavioural self-help versus treatment-as-usual for depressed informal carers of stroke survivors (CEDArS): study protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial. Trials, 157 Abstract.  Author URL.
Trick L, Watkins E, Dickens C (2014). The association between perseverative negative cognitive processes and negative affect in people with long term conditions: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kuyken W, Byford S, Byng R, Dalgleish T, Lewis G, Taylor R, Watkins ER, Hayes R, Lanham P, Kessler D, et al (2014). Update to the study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with maintenance anti-depressant treatment depressive relapse/recurrence: the PREVENT trial. Trials, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Douilliez C, Heeren A, Lefevre N, Watkins E, Barnard P, Philippot P (2014). Validation of the French version of a questionnaire assessing the constructive and unconstructive repetitive thoughts. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DU COMPORTEMENT, 46(2), 185-192.  Author URL.
Douilliez C, Heeren A, Lefèvre N, Watkins E, Barnard P, Philippot P (2014). Validation of the French version of a questionnaire that evaluates constructive and non-constructive repetitive thoughts. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 46(2), 185-192. Abstract.
Bassanini A, Caselli G, Fiore F, Ruggiero GM, Sassaroli S, Watkins ER (2014). Why "why" seems better than "how". Processes underlining repetitive thinking in an Italian non-clinical sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 18-23. Abstract.
Kingston REF, Watkins ER, O'Mahen HA (2013). An Integrated Examination of Risk Factors for Repetitive Negative Thought. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, 4(2), 161-181.  Author URL.
Schaich A, Watkins ER, Ehring T (2013). Can concreteness training buffer against the negative effects of rumination on PTSD? an experimental analogue study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 44(4), 396-403. Abstract.  Author URL.
Roberts H, Watkins ER, Wills AJ (2013). Cueing an unresolved personal goal causes persistent ruminative self-focus: an experimental evaluation of control theories of rumination. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 44(4), 449-455. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watson LA, Berntsen D, Kuyken W, Watkins ER (2013). Involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memory specificity as a function of depression. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 44(1), 7-13. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaté MA, Watkins ER, Simmons JG, Byrne ML, Schwartz OS, Whittle S, Sheeber LB, Allen NB (2013). Maternal parenting behaviors and adolescent depression: the mediating role of rumination. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol, 42(3), 348-357. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caselli G, Gemelli A, Querci S, Lugli AM, Canfora F, Annovi C, Rebecchi D, Ruggiero GM, Sassaroli S, Spada MM, et al (2013). The effect of rumination on craving across the continuum of drinking behaviour. Addict Behav, 38(12), 2879-2883. Abstract.  Author URL.
McEvoy PM, Watson H, Watkins ER, Nathan P (2013). The relationship between worry, rumination, and comorbidity: evidence for repetitive negative thinking as a transdiagnostic construct. J Affect Disord, 151(1), 313-320. Abstract.  Author URL.
Galfin JM, Watkins ER, Harlow T (2012). A brief guided self-help intervention for psychological distress in palliative care patients: a randomised controlled trial. Palliat Med, 26(3), 197-205. Abstract.  Author URL.
Galfin JM, Watkins ER (2012). Construal level, rumination, and psychological distress in palliative care. Psychooncology, 21(6), 680-683. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Taylor RS, Byng R, Baeyens C, Read R, Pearson K, Watson L (2012). Guided self-help concreteness training as an intervention for major depression in primary care: a Phase II randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 42(7), 1359-1371. Abstract.
Watkins ER, Taylor RS, Byng R, Baeyens C, Read R, Pearson K, Watson L (2012). Guided self-help concreteness training as an intervention for major depression in primary care: a Phase II randomized controlled trial. Psychol Med, 42(7), 1359-1371. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Moberly NJ (2012). Process versus purpose mindsets influence emotional response to failure. Behaviour Research and Therapy Abstract.
Watson LA, Berntsen D, Kuyken W, Watkins ER (2012). The characteristics of involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memories in depressed and never depressed individuals. Conscious Cogn, 21(3), 1382-1392. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Grafton B, MacLeod C (2012). The ups and downs of cognitive bias: dissociating the attentional characteristics of positive and negative affectivity. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 24, 33-53. Abstract.
Watkins ER, Nolen-Hoeksema S (2011). A Heuristic for Transdiagnostic Models of Psychopathology: Explaining Multifinality and Divergent Trajectories. Perspectives in Psychological Science, 6, 589-609. Abstract.
Watkins ER, Galfin JM, Harlow T (2011). An evaluation of a training programme to teach a brief guided self-help psychological intervention to hospice staff. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 17, 197-205. Abstract.
Watkins E (2011). Dysregulation in level of goal and action identification across psychological disorders. Clin Psychol Rev, 31(2), 260-278. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson KA, Watkins ER, Mullan EG (2011). Rejection sensitivity prospectively predicts increased rumination. Behav Res Ther, 49(10), 597-605. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Mullan E, Wingrove J, Rimes K, Steiner H, Bathurst N, Eastman R, Scott J (2011). Rumination-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy for residual depression: phase II randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry, 199(4), 317-322. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Moberly NJ, Moulds MJ (2011). When the Ends Outweigh the Means: Mood and Level-of-construal in Depression. Cognition and Emotion, 7, 1214-1227. Abstract.
Watkins ER, Moberly NJ, Moulds ML (2011). When the ends outweigh the means: mood and level of identification in depression. Cogn Emot, 25(7), 1214-1227. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kuyken W, Watkins E, Holden E, White K, Taylor RS, Byford S, Evans A, Radford S, Teasdale JD, Dalgleish T, et al (2010). How does mindfulness-based cognitive therapy work?. Behav Res Ther, 48(11), 1105-1112. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER (2010). Level of construal, mind wandering, and repetitive thought: Reply to McVay and Kane (2010). Psychol Bull, 136(2), 198-201. Abstract.
Moberly NJ, Watkins ER (2010). Negative affect and ruminative self-focus during everyday goal pursuit. Cogn Emot, 24(4), 729-739. Abstract.  Author URL.
Galfin JM, Watkins ER, Harlow T (2010). Psychological distress and rumination in palliative care patients and their caregivers. J Palliat Med, 13(11), 1345-1348. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Pearson KA, Mullan EG, Moberly NJ (2010). Psychosocial correlates of depressive rumination. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 784-791. Abstract.
Kuyken W, Byford S, Byng R, Dalgleish T, Lewis G, Taylor R, Watkins ER, Hayes R, Lanham P, Kessler D, et al (2010). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with maintenance anti-depressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse/recurrence: the PREVENT trial. Trials, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson KA, Watkins ER, Mullan EG (2010). Submissive interpersonal style mediates the effect of brooding on future depressive symptoms. Behav Res Ther, 48(10), 966-973. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson KA, Watkins ER, Kuyken W, Mullan EG (2010). The psychosocial context of depressive rumination: ruminative brooding predicts diminished relationship satisfaction in individuals with a history of past major depression. Br J Clin Psychol, 49(Pt 2), 275-280. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vassilopoulos SP, Watkins ER (2009). Adaptive and maladaptive self-focus: a pilot extension study with individuals high and low in fear of negative evaluation. Behav Ther, 40(2), 181-189. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mansell W, Harvey A, Watkins E, Shafran R (2009). Conceptual foundations of the transdiagnostic approach to CBT. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 23(1), 6-19. Abstract.
Watkins ER, Moberly NJ (2009). Concreteness training reduces dysphoria: a pilot proof-of-principle study. Behav Res Ther, 47(1), 48-53. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Baeyens CB, Read R (2009). Concreteness training reduces dysphoria: proof-of-principle for repeated cognitive bias modification in depression. J Abnorm Psychol, 118(1), 55-64. Abstract.
Watkins ER (2009). Depressive Rumination and Co-Morbidity: Evidence for Brooding as a Transdiagnostic Process. J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Ther, 27(3), 160-175. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER (2009). Depressive rumination: Investigating mechanisms to improve cognitive behavioural treatments. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 38(SUPPL.1), 8-14. Abstract.
Watkins ER (2009). Depressive rumination: investigating mechanisms to improve cognitive behavioural treatments. Cogn Behav Ther, 38 Suppl 1(S1), 8-14. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Moulds ML (2009). Thought Control Strategies, Thought Suppression, and Rumination in Depression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE THERAPY, 2(3), 235-251.  Author URL.
Mansell W, Harvey A, Watkins ER, Shafran R (2008). Cognitive Behavioral Processes Across Psychological Disorders: a Review of the Utility and Validity of the Transdiagnostic Approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE THERAPY, 1(3), 181-191.  Author URL.
Watkins ER (2008). Constructive and unconstructive repetitive thought. Psychol Bull, 134(2), 163-206. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins, E.R. Williams, W.H. (2008). Depressive Rumination reduces specificity of Autobiographical Memory Recall in Acquired Brain Injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14(1), 63-70.
Jacoby N, Brewin CR, Watkins E (2008). Effects of contextual questions on experimentally induced dysphoria. Cognition and Emotion, 22(4), 753-760. Abstract.
Kuyken W, Byford S, Taylor RS, Watkins E, Holden E, White K, Barrett B, Byng R, Evans A, Mullan E, et al (2008). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to prevent relapse in recurrent depression. J Consult Clin Psychol, 76(6), 966-978. Abstract.
Raes F, Watkins ER, Williams JMG, Hermans D (2008). Non-ruminative processing reduces overgeneral autobiographical memory retrieval in students. Behav Res Ther, 46(6), 748-756. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins E, Moberly NJ, Moulds ML (2008). Processing mode causally influences emotional reactivity: Distinct effects of abstract versus concrete construal on emotional response. Emotion, 8(3), 364-378. Abstract.
Ehring T, Watkins ER (2008). Repetitive Negative Thinking as a Transdiagnostic Process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE THERAPY, 1(3), 192-205.  Author URL.
Moberly NJ, Watkins ER (2008). Ruminative self-focus and negative affect: an experience sampling study. J Abnorm Psychol, 117(2), 314-323. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moberly NJ, Watkins ER (2008). Ruminative self-focus, negative life events, and negative affect. Behav Res Ther, 46(9), 1034-1039. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins ER, Barnhofer T, Crane C, Dalgleish T (2007). Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder. Psychological Bulletin, 133(1), 122-148.
Watkins E, Moulds ML (2007). Reduced concreteness of rumination in depression: a pilot study. Personality and Individual Differences, 43(6), 1386-1395. Abstract.
Perkins, N. Williams, J.M.G. Golden, J. Watkins ER (2007). Reduced specificity of autobiographical memory and depression: the role of executive control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Abstract.
Moulds, M. Watkins E (2007). Revealing negative thinking in recovered depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy
Watkins ER, Moulds M (2007). Revealing negative thinking in recovered major depression: a preliminary investigation. Behav Res Ther, 45(12), 3069-3076. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins E, Scott J, Wingrove J, Rimes K, Bathurst N, Steiner H, Kennell-Webb S, Moulds M, Malliaris Y (2007). Rumination-focused cognitive behaviour therapy for residual depression: a case series. Behav Res Ther, 45(9), 2144-2154. Abstract.  Author URL.
Malliaris Y, Watkins E, Scott J (2006). Intrusive memories in residual unipolar depression: a test of Brewin's schema activation hypothesis. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 91, S100-S100.  Author URL.
Moberly NJ, Watkins ER (2006). Processing mode influences the relationship between trait rumination and emotional vulnerability. Behav Ther, 37(3), 281-291. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins E, Moulds M, Mackintosh B (2005). Comparisons between rumination and worry in a non-clinical population. Behav Res Ther, 43(12), 1577-1585. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moulds, M. Mackintosh, B. Watkins E (2005). Differences and similarities between rumination and worry in a non-clinical population. Behaviour Research and Therapy
Watkins ER, Moulds M (2005). Distinct modes of ruminative self-focus: Impact of abstract versus concrete rumination on problem solving in depression. Emotion, 5(3), 319-328.
Watkins, E.R. Scott, J. (2005). Intrusive memories in residual unipolar depression: a test of Brewin's schema activation hypothesis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 91, S100-S100 Sul 1.
Hayward, P. Watkins, E.R. Wright, K. (2005). Outcome of a two-year follow-up of a cognitive therapy of relapse prevention in bipolar disorder. \r. American Journal of Psychiatry
Moulds, M. Watkins E (2005). Positive Beliefs about Rumination in Depression- a replication and extension. Personality and Individual Differences, 39(1), 73-82.
Watkins, E.R. Ramponi, C. (2005). Reducing specificity of autobiographical memory in non-clinical participants: the role of rumination and schematic models. Cognition and Emotion, 20, 328-350.
Lam DH, Hayward P, Watkins ER, Wright K, Sham P (2005). Relapse prevention in patients with bipolar disorder: cognitive therapy outcome after 2 years. Am J Psychiatry, 162(2), 324-329. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins, E.R. Holden, E. Cook, W. (2005). Rumination in Adolescents at Risk for Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 96, 39-47.
Watkins, E.R. (2005). The effects of self-focused rumination on global negative self-judgements in depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy
Watkins, E. (2005). Worry and Rumination: Recurrent Negative Thinking and Affective Disorders. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 9, 28-32.
Watkins, E.R. (2004). Adaptive and Maladaptive Ruminative self-focus during Emotional Processing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 1037-1052.
Teasdale, J.D. Watkins ER (2004). Adaptive and Maladaptive Self-focus in Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 82, 1-8.
Watkins, E.R. (2004). Appraisals and Strategies Associated with Rumination and Worry. Personality and Individual Differences, 37, 679-694.
Watkins, E.R. (2004). Brief psychotherapies for depression: current status. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 17, 3-7.
Watkins, E.R. (2004). Rumination and future thinking in depression. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 129-142.
Watkins ER, Bright J, Hayward P, Lam D (2003). A randomised controlled study of cognitive therapy for relapse prevention for bipolar affective disorder - Outcome of the first year. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(2), 145-152.
Watkins, E.R. (2003). Combining cognitive therapy with medication in bipolar disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 9, 110-116.
Watkins E, Teasdale JD, Williams RM (2003). Contextual questions prevent mood primes from maintaining experimentally induced dysphoria. Cognition and Emotion, 17(3), 455-475. Abstract.
Watkins E (2003). Depression in Context: Strategies for Guided Action. BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY, 31(2), 227-228.  Author URL.
Watkins E (2003). Excessive Appetites: a Psychological View of the Addictions, 2nd edition. BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY, 31(2), 221-222.  Author URL.
Swain, S. Widmer, S. Watkins, E. (2003). The development and beta-test of a computer-therapy program for anxiety and depression: hurdles and lessons. Computers in Human Behaviour, 19, 277-289.
Watkins E (2003). Understanding suicidal behaviour. The suicidal process approach to research, treatment and prevention. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 42, 219-219.  Author URL.
Watkins E (2002). Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: a Therapist's Guide to Concepts, Method and Practice. BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY, 30(1), 121-122.  Author URL.
Mason, A. Watkins E (2002). Mood as Input and Rumination. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 577-587.
Watkins E (2002). Overcoming Depression: a Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY, 30(2), 247-248.  Author URL.
Baracaia, S. Watkins E (2002). Rumination and Social Problem-Solving in Depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 1179-1189.
Brown, R.G. Watkins ER (2002). Rumination and executive function in depression: an experimental study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 72(3), 400-402.
Watkins ER, Teasdale JD (2002). Rumination and overgeneral memory in depression: effects of self-focus and analytic thinking. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110(2), 353-357.
Howard, R. Hobson, A. Aziz, Q. Watkins E (2001). Feeling the Blues in Functional Gut Pain: Manipulating mood state influences the threshold for oesophageal pain. Gut, 48
Howard, R. Hobson, A. Aziz, Q. Watkins E (2001). Feeling the Blues in Functional Gut Pain: Manipulating mood state influences the threshold for oesophageal pain. Gastroenterology, 120(5).
Watkins E, Howard R, Hobson A, Aziz Q (2001). Feeling the blues in functional gut pain: Manipulating mood state influences the perception of esophageal pain. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 120(5), A639-A639.  Author URL.
Watkins E, Teasdale JD (2001). Rumination and overgeneral memory in depression: Effects of self-focus and analytic thinking. JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, 110(2), 353-357.  Author URL.
Watkins E (2001). The New Handbook of Cognitive Therapy Techniques. BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY, 29(3), 386-387.  Author URL.
Watkins E (2001). Treating Complex Cases: the Cognitive Behavioural Approach. BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY, 29(3), 387-388.  Author URL.
Baracaia, S. Watkins E (2001). Why do people ruminate in dysphoric moods?. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 723-734.
Watkins E, Teasdale JD, Williams RM (2000). Decentring and distraction reduce overgeneral autobiographical memory in depression. Psychol Med, 30(4), 911-920. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins E, Elliott S, Stanhope N, Button J, Williams R, Brown J (2000). Meeting the needs for psychological treatment of people with common mental disorders: an exploratory study. Journal of Mental Health, 9(4), 445-456. Abstract.
Watkins E (1997). Attention and emotion: a clinical perspective - Wells,A, Matthews,G. BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY, 35(3), 277-278.  Author URL.


Watkins ER (2013). Cognitive mechanisms involved in therapeutic change for depression: Reducing abstraction and increasing concreteness. In  (Ed) Changing Emotions, 195-201. Abstract.
Watkins ER, Moulds ML (2013). Repetitive thought: Rumination in complicated grief. In  (Ed) Complicated Grief: Scientific Foundations for Health Care Professionals, 162-175.
Watkins, E.R. Beck, A.T. (2012). Cognitive-behavioural therapy for mood disorders. In Gabbard G, Beck J, Holmes J (Eds.) Concise Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bradley, B. Watkins E (2012). Depression - treatment. In Lindsay S, Powell G (Eds.) The Handbook of Clinical Adult Psychology (3 rd Edition), Routledge.
Watkins, E. (2007). Depression- investigation. In Lindsay S, Powell G (Eds.) The Handbook of Clinical Adult Psychology (3 rd Edition), Routledge.
Williams, R.M. (1998). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy. In Checkley S, Watkins, E (Eds.) In: the Management of Depression, Oxford:.


Dillahunt A, Feldman D, Thomas L, Farstead B, Frandsen S, Lee S, Pazdera M, Galloway J, Bessette K, Roberts H, et al (2022). The Balloon Analogue Risk Task and Adolescent Self-Injurious Behaviors.  Author URL.
Schreiner MW, Dillahunt A, Bessette K, Frandsen S, Farstead B, Lee S, Feldman D, Thomas L, Pocius S, Roberts H, et al (2022). Variability of Rumination and Distraction-Related Brain Activation Associated with Lifetime Self-Injury in Adolescents.  Author URL.
O'Loughlin J, Casanova F, Hughes A, Bowden J, Watkins E, Freathy R, Walters R, Howe L, Kuchenbaecker K, Tyrrell J, et al (2021). HIGHER BMI CAUSES LOWER ODDS OF DEPRESSION IN INDIVIDUALS OF EAST ASIAN ANCESTRY.  Author URL.
Langenecker S, Roberts H, Jacobs R, Bessette K, Jago D, Thomas L, Pocius S, Dillahunt A, Frandsen S, Schubert B, et al (2021). Mechanisms of Rumination Change in Adolescent Depression (RuMeChange).  Author URL.
Cohen Z, DeRubeis R, Hayes R, Watkins E, Lewis G, Byng R, Byford S, Crane C, Kuyken W, Dalgleish T, et al (2021). The Development and Internal Evaluation of a Predictive Model to Identify for Whom Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Offers Superior Relapse Prevention for Recurrent Depression Versus Maintenance Antidepressant Medication.  Author URL.
Rogiers R, Baeken C, Van den Abbeele D, De Raedt R, Watkins E, Remue J, Colman R, Lemmens G (2019). Group psychoeducation 'drop it' decreases repetitive negative thinking in major depression and generalized anxiety disorder.  Author URL.
Stange J, Bessette K, Jenkins L, Burkhouse K, Peters A, Feldhaus C, Crane N, Ajilore O, Watkins E, Langenecker S, et al (2017). Attenuated Intrinsic Connectivity within Cognitive Control Network among Individuals with Remitted Depression is Associated with Cognitive Control Deficits and Negative Cognitive Styles.  Author URL.
Watkins E (2015). Overgeneral autobiographical memories and their relationship to rumination.  Author URL.
Bertolino LB, Olaithe M, Tan S, Watkins ER, Bucks RS (2014). Greater general repetitive negative thinking directly predicts more severe insomnia in males: in females it is all about depression.  Author URL.
Watkins ER (2013). Cognitive mechanisms involved in therapeutic change for depression Reducing abstraction and increasing concreteness.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact

Administrative responsibilities

Co- founded and developed the Mood Disorders Centre as a University – NHS partnership, which now has an international profile as a clinical research and training centre. Director of the Sir Henry Wellcome Building for Mood Disorders Research

Research Director for the University of Exeter Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

From November 2007 to December 2011, Director of Research (DoR), for Psychology

Editorial responsibilities

Consulting editor of Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Cognition and Emotion, Behaviour Research and Therapy, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology

On the editorial board for Cognition and Emotion, Behaviour Research and Therapy

Previously reviewed leading international journals in the clinical/cognition and emotion fields including:

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Emotion, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Medicine, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Cognition and Emotion, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Lancet, British Journal of Psychology, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Behaviour Research and Therapy, Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, Memory, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Science, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.


Member of the Wellcome Trust Cognitive Neuroscience and Mental Health Expert Review Group

Awarded British Psychological Society’s May Davidson Award for 2004. This award is for “a clinical psychologist who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of clinical psychology within the first 10 years of his/her work as a qualified clinical psychologist. The contribution may be through clinical research or other professional work. It should be innovative and of an order sufficient to become widely recognized as an important development in British Clinical psychology”.

Peer reviewer OST Foresight report Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project

Member of the Expert Advisory Group for the Center for Excellence research program GRIP-TT (Generalization Research in Ill Health and Psychopathology: Transdiagnostic processes and Transfer), KU Leuven, Belgium (Lead Prof Dirk Hermans).

University of Western Australia Raine Visiting Professor Award 2010

National Institute Health Research (NIHR) Senior Leader

Member of Global Consortium for Depression Prevention, an invitation only grouping of international leading experts on interventions for depression (see

Awarded Top Cited Article 2007-2011 in Behaviour Research and Therapy for Watkins et al., (2007), Rumination-focused cognitive behavioural therapy for residual depression: A case series, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, 9.

Jointly awarded Paper of the Year 2012 for the journal Palliative Medicine for the paper: Galfin, J.M., Watkins, E.R., & Harlow, T. (2012). A brief guided self-help intervention for psychological distress in palliative care patients: A randomized controlled trial. Palliative Medicine, 26, 197-205. DOI: 10.1177/0269216311414757

Expert member of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Guideline Committee Group for the Depression in Adults Guideline 2015-2020

UK liaison for the World Health Organisation World Mental Health International College Student initiative (WHO-ICCS) Survey

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Professional training on Clinical Psychology programme.

PSY3401 Research Projects

Professional Training and CPD

Therapy Training material - RFCBT

We have now developed training programmes and online courses in rumination-focused CBT and are currently providing them for Talking Therapies services in SouthWest England through NHS England funding. For more information send an email.

For more detail on Rumination-focused CBT -please see the treatment manual published by Guilford Press

Please see below a selection of recorded presentations/talks/blogs:

Mind Over Natter talk: How to not worry about worry

Better Thinking interview on rumination

ABCT webinar on Rumination-focused CBT

Talking with Jackie Persons - SSCP Translating Science to Practice - strategies for treating rumination



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Alexandra Newbold Dr

Postgraduate researchers

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Office Hours:

Tuesday 12-2pm

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