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Dr Aureliu Lavric

Dr Aureliu Lavric

Associate Professor


 Washington Singer 308


Washington Singer Laboratories, University of Exeter, Perry Road, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK


Aureliu Lavric is an Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology.

He is the Director of the MSc in Psychological Research Methods programme.


PhD, Warwick


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Research interests

My research interests are in the areas of cognitive control, attention, and psycholinguistics. Below I summarise the key directions of my research in these areas, as well research that sits at their intersection – on bilingualism. Methodologically, I rely on measures extracted from behavioural (performance), brain potentials and eye-movement data.

Cognitive control, attention

My primary interest is the control of task-set, which I investigate using the “task-switching” paradigm and a set of measures that include (in addition to performance) EEG-derived brain potentials and eye-tracking. My primary motivation for using EEG was to identify an on-line measure of preparation for a task switch, which could not be obtained behaviourally (because there is no overt behaviour during the preparation interval). In studies published in the European Journal of Neuroscience and Human Brain Mapping (and funded by ESRC) our group has documented such an electrophysiological “signature” of pro-active top-down control. We showed that its onset is not tightly coupled to the onset of the task cue, and that it “migrates” from the preparation interval into the post-stimulus interval when preparation is not effective. In more recent research published in Cognitive Psychology, we identified the same brain potential in a “switching” version of the “stop-signal” paradigm, in which participants had to switch among inhibiting a stopping the response when a signal occurred and executing another response in response to (or ignoring) the signal. The above research was conducted in collaboration with Heike Elchlepp, Stephen Monsell and Frederick Verbruggen.

More recently, my colleagues and I have examined whether shifting attention to a task-relevant perceptual attribute is a source of the “switch cost”. Traditionally, the switch cost has been explained in terms of interference from the irrelevant set of stimulus-response (S-R) mappings. In experiments published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and in more recent experiments, our group showed that even a prepared task switch, leads to a substantial delay in allocating attention to the relevant perceptual dimension of the stimulus (e.g. the colour of a letter string vs. its linguistic status). Using eye-tracking we have documented a similar delay for shifting the spatial attention to the task-relevant region of the stimulus. This delay is especially substantial when the experimental procedure encourages the “coupling” of spatial parameters of the task to other task-set parameters. In addition, we have documented a persisting tendency to allocate spatial attention to no-longer relevant location – a form of “attentional inertia”, which is difficult (though not impossible) to eliminate with preparation. This work was done in collaboration with Cai Longman, and Stephen Monsell and published in: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, and The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Currently we are extending this framework to study auditory attention – in particular, we are investigating the extent to which one can “tune in” in advance to listen to a voice in a dual/multi-speaker environment when the relevant voice changes frequently.

Another aspect of task-set control that has interested me is the nature of task-set representations in working memory and long-term memory. Are S-R mappings for the relevant task-set prepared via some form of verbal rehearsal? Is it harder to select a task-set among many candidate task-sets than among few candidates? In research conducted in collaboration with Félice Van’t Wout and Stephen Monsell (published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition) we have aimed to provide answers to these other related questions.

In addition to the research above I have also conducted ESRC-funded research on inhibitory control, in collaboration with Frederick Verbruggen (studies published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied), and on the role of attentional phenomena in associative learning, in collaboration with Andy Wills and Ian McLaren (studies published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroimage, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition).

Psycholinguistics and bilingualism

I am interested in how the mind represents the morphemic constituents of words (e.g. player, played, replay, plays). In collaboration with Kathy Rastle and Davide Crepaldi I have investigated with EEG-derived brain potentials (ERPs) whether morphological decomposition of visual words occurs rapidly, before meaning is accessed, based purely on orthographic information – these studies have appeared in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance). In prior work (funded by the British Academy and presented in Trends in Cognitive Sciences), I have also examined the production of morphologically complex words. More recently, I have also conducted research on top-down control of language selection in bilinguals. I have been interested in two aspects of such control. First, in task switching, the behavioural “litmus test” for top-down control is the effect of preparation – the reduction in the task switch cost with preparation. The effect of preparation on the language switch cost has been subject to less scrutiny, and my current work aims to address this lacuna. Second, I am also interested in whether bilinguals are able to set (select) independently the languages used for speaking and for comprehending – and I am currently conducting experiments that examine this issue.


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Journal articles

Monsell S, Lavric A, Strivens A, Paul E (In Press). Can we prepare to attend to. one of two simultaneous voices?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Abstract.
Elchlepp H, Monsell S, Lavric A (In Press). How Task Set and Task Switching Modulate Perceptual Processes: is Recognition of Facial Emotion an Exception?. Journal of Cognition
Elchlepp H, Best M, Lavric A, Monsell S (In Press). Shifting attention between visual dimensions as a source of the task switch cost. Psychological Science
Zinn A, Koschate-Reis M, Lavric A (In Press). Social Identity Switching: How Effective is it?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Strivens A, Koch I, Lavric A (2024). Does preparation help to switch auditory attention between simultaneous voices: Effects of switch probability and prevalence of conflict. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 86(3), 750-767.
Strivens A, Koch I, Lavric A (2024). EXPRESS: Exploring 'phasic' vs. 'tonic' accounts of the effect of switch probability on the auditory attention switch cost. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Zinn AK, Koschate M, Naserianhanzaei E, Lavric A (2023). Can we prevent social identity switches? an experimental-computational investigation. Br J Soc Psychol, 62(3), 1547-1565. Abstract.  Author URL.
Graham B, Lavric A (2021). Preparing to switch languages versus preparing to switch tasks: Which is more effective?. J Exp Psychol Gen, 150(10), 1956-1973. Abstract.  Author URL.
Longman CS, Elchlepp H, Monsell S, Lavric A (2021). Serial or parallel proactive control of components of task-set? a task-switching investigation with concurrent EEG and eye-tracking. Neuropsychologia, 160 Abstract.  Author URL.
Koch I, Lavric A (2020). Has "Erasing" Made Things Clearer? Commentary on Schmidt, Liefooghe & De Houwer (): "An Episodic Model of Task Switching Effects: Erasing the Homunculus from Memory". J Cogn, 3(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Civile C, Waguri E, Quaglia S, Wooster B, Curtis A, McLaren R, Lavric A, McLaren I (2020). Testing the effects of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on the Face Inversion Effect and the N170 Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) component. Neuropsychologia
Civile C, Cooke A, Liu X, McLaren R, Elchlepp H, Lavric A, Milton F, McLaren I (2020). The effect of tDCS on recognition depends on stimulus generalization: Neuro-stimulation can predictably enhance or reduce the face inversion effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 46, 83-98.
Lavric A, Clapp A, East A, Elchlepp H, Monsell S (2018). Is preparing for a language switch like preparing for a task switch? (Article). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Civile C, Elchlepp H, McLaren RP, Galang CM, Lavric A, McLaren IPL (2018). The effect of scrambling upright and inverted faces on the N170. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Longman CS, Lavric A, Monsell S (2017). Self-paced preparation for a task switch eliminates attentional inertia but not the performance switch cost. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 43(6), 862-873. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elchlepp H, Lavric A, Chambers CD, Verbruggen F (2016). Proactive inhibitory control: a general biasing account. Cognitive Psychology, 86, 27-61.
Longman CS, Lavric A, Monsell S (2016). The coupling between spatial attention and other components of task-set: a task switching investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Abstract.
Elchlepp H, Lavric A, Monsell S (2015). A change of task prolongs early processes: evidence from ERPs in lexical tasks. J Exp Psychol Gen, 144(2), 299-325. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Uiga L, Lavric A, Moore LJ, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Wilson MR (2015). Individual reactions to stress predict performance during a critical aviation incident. Anxiety Stress Coping, 28(4), 467-477. Abstract.  Author URL.
van 't Wout F, Lavric A, Monsell S (2015). Is it harder to switch among a larger set of tasks?. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 41(2), 363-376. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rastle K, Lavric A, Elchlepp H, Crepaldi D (2015). Processing Differences Across Regular and Irregular Inflections Revealed Through ERPs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Abstract.
Rastle K, Lavric A, Elchlepp H, Crepaldi D (2015). Processing differences across regular and irregular inflections revealed through ERPs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(3), 747-760.
Wills, AJ, Lavric A, Hemmings, Y, Surrey, E (2014). Attention, predictive learning, and the inverse base-rate effect: Evidence from event-related potentials. Neuroimage, 87, 61-71. Abstract.
Longman CS, Lavric A, Munteanu C, Monsell S (2014). Attentional Inertia and Delayed Orienting of Spatial Attention in Task-Switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(4), 1580-1602.
Stevens T, Brevers D, Chambers CD, Lavric A, McLaren IPL, Mertens M, Noël X, Verbruggen F (2014). How does response inhibition influence decision-making when gambling?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, in press Abstract.
Civile C, Zhao D, Ku Y, Elchlepp H, Lavric A, McLaren IPL (2014). Perceptual learning and inversion effects: Recognition of prototype-defined familiar checkerboards. J Exp Psychol Anim Learn Cogn, 40(2), 144-161. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elchlepp H, Rumball F, Lavric A (2013). A brain-potential correlate of task-set conflict. Psychophysiology, 50(3), 314-323. Abstract.
van 't Wout F, Lavric A, Monsell S (2013). Are stimulus-response rules represented phonologically for task-set preparation and maintenance?. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 39(5), 1538-1551. Abstract.  Author URL.
Longman C, Lavric A, Monsell S (2013). More attention to attention? an eye-tracking investigation of selection of perceptual attributes during a task switch. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(4), 1142-1151.
Elchlepp H, Lavric A, Mizon GA, Monsell S (2012). A brain-potential study of preparation for and execution of a task-switch with stimuli that afford only the relevant task. Hum Brain Mapp, 33(5), 1137-1154. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Elchlepp H, Rastle K (2012). Tracking hierarchical processing in morphological decomposition with brain potentials. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 38(4), 811-816. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Bregadze N, Benattayallah A (2011). Detection of experimental ERP effects in combined EEG-fMRI: evaluating the benefits of interleaved acquisition and independent component analysis. Clin Neurophysiol, 122(2), 267-277. Abstract.
Lavric A, Rastle K, Clapp A (2011). What do fully-visible primes and brain potentials reveal about morphological decomposition?. Psychophysiology, 48(5), 676-686.
Ashwin P, Lavric A (2010). A low-dimensional model of binocular rivalry using winnerless competition. Physica D, 239, 529-536. Abstract.
Lavric A, Rastle K, Clapp A (2010). What do fully visible primes and brain potentials reveal about morphological decomposition?. Psychophysiology, 48(5), 676-686. Abstract.
Lavric A, Mizon GA, Monsell S (2008). Neurophysiological signature of effective anticipatory task-set control: a task-switching investigation. Eur J Neurosci, 28(5), 1016-1029. Abstract.  Author URL.
Weber K, Lavric A (2008). Syntactic anomaly elicits a lexico-semantic (N400) ERP effect in the second language but not the first. Psychophysiology, 45(6), 920-925. Abstract.
Lavric A, Clapp A, Rastle K (2007). ERP evidence of morphological analysis from orthography: a masked priming study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 866-877.
Wills AJ, Lavric A, Croft GS, Hodgson TL (2007). Predictive learning, prediction errors and attention: Evidence from event-related potentials and eye-tracking. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 843-854.
Shackman, A.J. Sarinopoulos, I. Pizzagalli DA, Lavric A, Davidson RJ (2006). Anxiety Selectively Disrupts Visuospatial Working Memory. Emotion, 6(1), 40-61.
Bregadze N, Lavric A (2006). ERP differences with vs. without concurrent fMRI. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 62, 54-59.
Lavric A, Forstmeier S, Pizzagalli D (2004). When go and nogo are equally frequent: ERP components and cortical tomography. European Journal of Neuroscience, 20(9), 2483-2488.
Lavric A, Rippon, G. Gray, J.R. (2003). Threat-evoked anxiety disrupts spatial working memory performance: an attentional account. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 27, 489-504.
Simon F, Lavric A, Pizzagalli D, Rippon G (2001). A double dissociation of regular and irregular English past-tense production revealed by Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). NEUROIMAGE, 13(6), S603-S603.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Forstmeier S, Pizzagalli D, Rippon G (2001). Mapping dissociations in verb morphology. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5(7), 301-308.
Lavric A, Pizzagalli, D. Forstmeier, S. Rippon, G (2001). ‘A double-dissociation of. English past-tense production revealed by Event-Related Potentials and Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA)’. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112(10), 1833-1849.
Lavric A, Forstmeier S, Rippon G (2000). Differences in working memory involvement in analytical and creative tasks: an ERP study. Neuroreport, 11(8), 1613-1618. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Shackman AJ, Sarinopoulos I, Sarinopoulos AP, Davidson RJ (2000). Effects of threat-of shock on verbal and spatial working memory. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 37, S62-S62.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Rippon G (1999). Deductive vs. creative problem solving: Revealing differences with brain imaging techniques. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 13(2), 135-136.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Forstmeier S, Rippon G (1998). An ERP study of English past-tense formation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 30(1-2), 151-151.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Rippon G, Forstmeier S (1998). ERP studies of working memory in reasoning tasks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 30(1-2), 145-145.  Author URL.


Lavric, A. (1999). Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale waehrend der regelmaessigen und unregelmaessigen Past-Tense-Bildung im Englischen. Experimentelle Psychologie. Beitraege zur 41. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen \r \r. In Schroeger E, Mecklinger A, Widmann A (Eds.) Experimentelle Psychologie. Beitraege zur 41. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Lengerich:.


Civile C, Elchlepp H, McLaren RP, Lavric A, McLaren IPL (2012). Face recognition and brain potentials: Disruption of configural information reduces the face inversion effect. Cognitive Science. 1st - 1st Jan 2012.
Benattayallah A, Bregadze N, Lavric A (2010). Effect of EEG Electrodes (32 and 64 Channels) on the fMRI Signal. ESMRM & ISMRM 18th Joint Annual Scientific Meeting. 1st - 7th May 2010. Abstract.
Lavric S, Lavric A (2005). ERP component differentiates the production of regular from irregular English past-tenses.  Author URL.
Lavric A, Wills A (2005). ERPS support attentional theories of associative learning.  Author URL.

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  • Introduction to Biological Psychology (BSc)
  • Cognitive Practical (BSc)
  • Studying Cognition and Emotion with Brain Imaging (BSc)
  • Methods in Cognitive and Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology (MSc)



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