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Dr Joseph Rennie

Dr Joseph Rennie

Associate Lecturer

 Washington Singer 226


Washington Singer Laboratories, University of Exeter, Perry Road, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK


I am interested in cognitive development throughout the lifespan and how experiences in one context carry over to another. I have a background in cognitive psychology, my doctoral work explored how different conceptualisations of relationships within and between cognitive tasks may inform the transfer of skills following practice (a.k.a. training) and interpretation of the possible outcomes. However, it is the broad range of perspectives and different levels of investigation in psychology that attracted me so strongly in the first place and continues to do so. I believe that a holistic approach is required to progress the field and maximise impact in teaching, research, and applied settings. My primary research interests at present involve the application of natural language processing and machine learning towards investigating the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances. I am also responsible for teaching the sleep psychology module. I believe sleep to be another fascinating topic that relates many other aspects of psychology together and of critical importance to the functioning of healthy individuals and society at large.

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