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Professor Manuela Barreto

Professor Manuela Barreto

Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology


 Washington Singer 103


Washington Singer Laboratories, University of Exeter, Perry Road, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK


Manuela Barreto studied Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Porto, Portugal and obtained her PhD in Social Psychology in 2000 from the Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since September 2011, Manuela has been a Full Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Exeter, led the University of Exeter's Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences research strategy theme on "Societal and Lifestyle Shifts", and was part of the University's Athena Swan Working Group. She is one of the Principal Investigators of the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health. Manuela was the President of the European Association of Social Psychology between 2014-2017 and Head of Department in Psychology at Exeter between 2017-2020.

Manuela’s research fits within the "Understanding the social determinants of health and wellbeing" theme and focuses on marginalization, identity, and stigma, and specifically on the impact of prejudice and discrimination on health, wellbeing, and social relationships. Manuela is also interested in loneliness across the life-span, and the role of culture, identity, stigma, and life transitions in experiences of social (dis)connection.


PhD (Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

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Research interests

I am interested in marginalization and its effects on health, welbeing, and social relationships. Much of my work has examined the interplay between internal and external social identities and this still a strong connecting line through most of my work. I am also very interested in how stigma plays out in social interactions and how it affects social relationships.

Research projects

Right now I am mainly investigating:

  1. Social stigma and social relationships--including how disadvantage, prejudice, and group-based harassment affects social relationships and networks and how this impacts on health and wellbeing. This also includes the examination of how processes related to social stigmatization affect face to face social interactions.
  2. Factors affecting experiences of loneliness, especially among individuals who are for some reason vulnerable to social isolation (e.g., care givers, migrants, remote workers).
  3. Women's responses to sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, their consequences, and the barriers and facilitators of these responses.
  4. Under-representation, belonging, and career aspirations among women in STEM.

Selected research grants

  • 2020 “Testing the success of an intervention to reduce loneliness and increase wellbeing for young people with mild to moderate mental health problems”. Co-Is: YW Chua and R Ali (Glasgow Association for Mental Health) and Pamela Qualter (University of Manchester). Total: £48,375. Start date: 1 May 2020, 12 months. Role: PI.
  • 2019 Erasmus+ KA2 “Fit to Belong: Design and implementation of teaching and learning materials to mitigate loneliness in youth” (2019-1-TR01-KA201-07689). Co-I. Start date: 01-09-2019 to 31-08-2022 (36 months). Total: 334.119,00 Euro.
  • 2017 Wellcome Trust, The BBC Loneliness Survey, Co-I, with Pamela Qualter (University of Manchester), Christina Viktor (Brunel University) and Claudia Hammond (BBC). Total.: £30,000. October 2017-September 2018.
  • 2017 Wellcome Trust, Wellcome Centre for Environments and Cultures of Health, Co-PI, with M Jackson, A Barlow, K Wyatt, S Hinchliffe, L Clare, L Fleming, M Deplege, S Salisbury, N Groom (all Exeter University). Total: £4.1 million. April 2017-March 2022. Renewed in 2020.
  • 2013 dstl, Understanding how social identities shape empathy and failures to empathise. PhD studentship with Anke Karl and Natalia Lawrence (all Exeter; PhD candidate Matt Richins), Dstl, total: £140,855. October 2013-September 2017.
  • 2010 Portuguese Science Foundation, Gender stereotypes and careers, with Naomi Ellemers (University of Leiden) and Miguel Moya (University of Granada). Total: £ 81203 (at the Lisbon University Institute). 2012-2014.

Research networks

I work and have worked with colleagues from around the world as well as with some non-academic organizations such as: BT, Devon Partnership Trust, Glasgow Association for Mental Health, Devon & Cornwall Police, Plymouth Council, Changing Faces, various carer associations, several European high schools.

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Sindic D, Barreto M, Costa Lopes R (eds)(2014). Power and Identity. UK, Psychology Press. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ryan MK, Schmitt MT (eds)(2009). The glass ceiling in the 21st century., American Psychological Association.

Journal articles

Doyle D, Lewis T, Barreto M (In Press). A Systematic Review of Psychosocial Functioning Changes after Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy among Transgender People. Nature Human Behaviour
Jefferson R, Barreto M, Jones F, Conway J, Chohan A, Rich Madsen K, Verity L, Petersen K, Qualter P (In Press). Adolescent loneliness across the world and its relation to school climate, national culture, and academic performance. British Journal of Educational Psychology
Barreto M, Doyle DM (In Press). Benevolent and hostile sexism in a shifting global context. Nature Reviews Psychology
Barreto M, Doyle DM, Pamela Q (In Press). Changing the Narrative: Loneliness as a Social Justice Issue. Advances in Political Psychology
Pearce E, Barreto M, Victor C, Hammond C, Eccles A, Richins M, O'Neal A, Knowles R, Qualter P (In Press). Choking under pressure: Dos it get easier with age? Loneliness affects social monitoring across the lifespan. International Journal of Behavioral Development
Ciftci E, Barreto M, Doyle D, van Breen J, Darden S (In Press). Distancing or drawing together: Sexism and organizational tolerance of sexism impact women’s social relationships at work. European Journal of Social Psychology
Switsers L, Qualter P, Pan H, Barreto M, De Donder L, Victor C, Dury S, Hammond C, Dierckx E (In Press). Exploring the Demographic and Situational Characteristics of Older British People Experiencing Loneliness as Positive within the BBC Loneliness Experiment. Aging and Mental Health Abstract.
Barreto M, van Breen J, Victor C, Hammond C, Eccles A, Richins MT, Qualter P (In Press). Exploring the Nature and Variation of the Stigma Associated with Loneliness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Abstract.
Qualter P, Petersen K, Barreto M, Victor C, Hammond C, Arshad S-A (In Press). Exploring the frequency, intensity, and duration of loneliness: a latent class analysis of data from the BBC Loneliness Experiment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Heath S, Rabinovich A, Barreto M (In Press). Exploring the social dynamics of urban regeneration: a qualitative analysis of community members’ experiences. British Journal of Social Psychology
van Breen JA, de Lemus S, Kuppens T, Barreto M, Spears R (In Press). Extending the scope for resistance to gender-based evaluation. European Review of Social Psychology
Pacilli MG, Giovannelli I, Spaccatini F, Pagliaro S, Brambilla M, Barreto M, Sacchi S (In Press). Heroes or traitors? Perception of whistleblowers depends on the self-relevance of the group being reported. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Gianella V, Pagliaro S, Barreto M (In Press). Leader’s morality, group prototypicality, and followers’ reactions. Leadership Quarterly
Barreto M, Victor C, Hammond C, Eccles A, Richins MT, Qualter P (In Press). Loneliness Around the World: Age, Gender, and Cultural Differences in Loneliness. Personality and Individual Differences
Vytniorgu R, Cooper F, Jones C, Barreto M (In Press). Loneliness and Belonging in Narrative Environments. Emotion, Space and Society
Honghui P, Qualter P, Barreto M, Stegen H, Drury S (In Press). Loneliness in older migrants: exploring the role of cultural differences in their loneliness experience. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Jefferson R, Barreto M, Verity L, Qualter P (In Press). Loneliness in the school years: How it affects learning and how schools can help. Journal of School Health
van Breen J, Barreto M (In Press). Mind the gap! Stereotype exposure discourages women from expressing the anger they feel about gender inequality. Emotion
Doyle DM, Barreto M (In Press). Relational consequences of stigma: Bridging research on social stigma with relationship science. Journal of Social Issues
Meadows A, Barreto M, Dovidio J, Burkle SE, Wittlin NM, Herrin J, Van Ryn M, Phelan SM (In Press). Signalling hostility: the relationship between witnessing weight-based discrimination in medical school and medical student wellbeing. Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Wong ML, Nagata JM, Barreto M (In Press). Sleep and socioemotional outcomes among sexual and gender minority adolescents: a longitudinal study. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Barreto M, Doyle D (In Press). Stigma Salience Increases Loneliness among Ethnic Minorities. British Journal of Social Psychology
Lewis T, Barreto M, Doyle DM (In Press). Stigma, Identity and Support in Social Relationships of Transgender People throughout Transition: a Qualitative Analysis of Multiple Perspectives. Journal of Social Issues
Zheng K, Johnson S, Jarvis R, Victor C, Barreto M, Qualter P, Pitman A (In Press). The experience of loneliness among international students participating in the BBC Loneliness Experiment: thematic analysis of qualitative survey data. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences
Kirby TA, Barreto M, Korine R, Hendy J, Osman L, Stadie S, Tan D (In Press). To Conceal or Reveal: Identity-Conscious Diversity Ideologies Facilitate Sexual Minority Identity Disclosure. European Journal of Social Psychology
Morton T, Dimitriou E, Barreto M (In Press). What would a “reasonable person” do? Exploring the gap between experienced versus anticipated responses to sexual harassment. Psychology of Women Quarterly
Barreto M, Vytniorgu R, Cooper F (In Press). “From a guy’s perspective?” Male students, masculinity, and autobiographical loneliness narratives. Gender and Education
Maddox L, Barreto M (In Press). “The team needs to feel cared for:” Staff perceptions of compassionate care, aids and barriers in adolescent mental health wards. BMC Nursing
Wong ML, Nagata JM, Barreto M (2024). Correction: Sleep and Socioemotional Outcomes Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents: a Longitudinal Study. Arch Sex Behav  Author URL.
Harrison D, Rowland S, Wood G, Bakewell L, Petridis I, Long K, Vasileiou K, Barnett J, Barreto M, Wilson M, et al (2023). Designing Technology-Mediated Peer Support for Postgraduate Research Students at Risk of Loneliness and Isolation. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 30(1), 1-40. Abstract.
Verity L, Barreto M, Jefferson R, Team FTBEP, Pinheiro A, Seiroco AR, Wroblewski D, Verseckas D, Aktas I, Kupcinske I, et al (2023). Fit to belong: loneliness from the perspectives of adolescents from five European countries. Frontiers in Education, 8
Barreto M (2023). Statutory mental health services in the UK do not meet the needs of people from ethnic minority groups. Evid Based Nurs, 26(4).  Author URL.
Ciftci EE, Barreto M, Doyle DM, Van Breen J, Darden S (2022). Distancing or drawing together: Sexism and organisational tolerance of sexism impact women's social relationships at work (vol 50, pg 1157, 2020). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 52(1), 223-223.  Author URL.
Victor CR, Rippon I, Barreto M, Hammond C, Qualter P (2022). Older adults’ experiences of loneliness over the lifecourse: an exploratory study using the BBC loneliness experiment. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 102
Doyle D, Qualter P, Victor C, Barreto M (2022). The impact of country-level structural stigma on loneliness and social capital in older and younger LGB individuals in 113 countries. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_3).
Doyle DM, Barreto M (2022). Toward a More Relational Model of Sexual Minority Identity Concealment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52(5), 1911-1916.
Doyle DM, Begeny C, Barreto M, Morton T (2021). Identity-Related Factors Protect Well-Being against Stigma for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People. Archives of Sexual Behavior Abstract.
Lewis T, Doyle DM, Barreto M, Jackson D (2021). Social Relationship Experiences of Transgender People and Their Relational Partners: a Meta-Synthesis. Social Science and Medicine
Kahn KB, van Breen J, Barreto M, Kaiser CR (2021). When is women’s benevolent sexism associated with support for other women’s agentic responses to gender-based threat?. British Journal of Social Psychology
O'Leary M, Barreto M, Bowtell J (2019). Evaluating the effect of a home-delivered meal service on the physical and psychological wellbeing of a UK population of older adults—A pilot and feasibility study. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics
Richins MT, Barreto M, Karl A, Lawrence N (2019). Incidental fear reduces empathy for an out-group’s pain. Emotion
White R, Barreto M, Harrington J, Kapp S, Hayes J, Russell G (2019). Is disclosing an autism spectrum disorder in school associated with reduced stigmatization?. Autism: the international journal of research and practice
Zhang M, Barreto M, Doyle D (2019). Stigma-Based Rejection Experiences Affect Trust in Others. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(3), 308-316. Abstract.
Victor C, Qualter P, Barreto M (2019). WHAT IS LONELINESS: INSIGHTS FROM THE BBC LONELINESS EXPERIMENT. Innovation in Aging, 3(Supplement_1), s373-s373.
Vasileiou K, Barnett J, Barreto M, Vines J, Atkinson M, Long K, Bakewell L, Lawson S, Wilson M (2018). Coping with loneliness at university: a qualitative interview study with students in the UK. Mental Health and Prevention
Richins MT, Barreto M, Karl A, Lawrence N (2018). Empathic Responses Are Reduced to Competitive but Not Non-Competitive Outgroups. Social Neuroscience
Bakewell LL, Vasileiou K, Long KS, Atkinson M, Rice H, Barreto M, Barnett J, Wilson M, Lawson S, Vines J, et al (2018). Everything we do, everything we press: Data-driven remote performance management in a mobile workplace. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2018-April Abstract.
Hinchliffe S, Jackson M, Wyatt K, Barlow A, Barreto M, Clare L, Deplege M, Durie R, Fleming L, Groom N, et al (2018). Healthy publics: Enabling cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications, 4, n/a-n/a.
Pagliaro S, Lo Presti A, Barattucci M, Giannella VA, Barreto M (2018). On the effects of ethical climate(s) on employees' behavior: a social identity approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(JUN). Abstract.
Giovannelli I, Pacilli MG, Pagliaro S, Tomasetto C, Barreto M (2018). Recalling an Unfair Experience Reduces Adolescents’ Dishonest Behavioral Intentions: the Mediating Role of Justice Sensitivity. Social Justice Research, 31(1), 23-40. Abstract.
Sindic D, Morais R, Costa-Lopes R, Klein O, Barreto M (2018). Schrodinger’s immigrant: the political and strategic use of (contradictory) stereotypical traits about immigrants. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Ramos M, Barreto M, Ellemers N, Moya M, Ferreira L (2018). What hostile and benevolent sexism communicate about men’s and women’s warmth and competence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21(1), 159-177. Abstract.
Long K, Bakewell L, McNaney R, Vasileiou K, Atkinson M, Barreto M, Barnett J, Wilson M, Lawson S, Vines J, et al (2017). Connecting those that care: Designing for Transitioning, Talking, Belonging and Escaping. Computers and Human Interaction
Vasileiou K, Barnett J, Barreto M, Vines J, Atkinson M, Lawson S, Wilson M (2017). Experiences of loneliness associated with being an informal caregiver: a qualitative investigation. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(APR). Abstract.
Newheiser AK, Barreto M, Tiemersma J (2017). People like me don’t belong here: Concealing a stigmatized identity is associated with negative workplace experiences. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 341-358.
Heath SC, Rabinovich A, Barreto M (2017). Putting identity into the community: Exploring the social dynamics of urban regeneration. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 855-866. Abstract.
Steentjes K, Kurz T, Barreto M, Morton T (2017). The Norms Associated with Climate Change: Understanding Social Norms through Acts of Interpersonal Activism. Global Environmental Change, 43, 116-125.
Zaal M, Saab R, O'Brien K, Jeffries C, Barreto M, Van Laar C (2017). You’re either with us or against us! Moral conviction determines how the politicized distinguish friend from foe. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20(4), 519-539. Abstract.
Ramos M, Barreto M, Ellemers N, Moya M, Ferreira L, Calanchini J (2016). Exposure to sexism can decrease implicit gender stereotype bias. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 455-466.
Pagliaro S, Ellemers N, Barreto M, Di Cesare C (2016). Once Dishonest, Always Dishonest? the Impact of Perceived Pervasiveness of Moral Evaluations of the Self on Motivation to Restore a Moral Reputation. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 Abstract.
Dorrough A, Leszczynska M, Barreto M, Glockner A (2016). Revealing side effects of quota rules on group cooperation. Journal of Economic Psychology, 57, 136-152.
Ramos MR, Hewstone M, Barreto M, Branscombe N (2016). The Opportunities and Challenges of Diversity: Explaining its Impact on Individuals and Groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 793-806.
Kahn KB, Barreto M, Kaiser CR, Silva Rego M (2016). When do high and low status group members support confrontation? the role of perceived pervasiveness of prejudice. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55, 27-43. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2015). Detecting and Experiencing Prejudice: New Answers to Old Questions. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 139-219. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2015). Modern discrimination: How perpetrators and targets interactively perpetuate social disadvantage. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 3, 142-146. Abstract.
Newheiser A-K, Barreto M, Ellemers N, Derks B, Scheepers D (2015). Regulatory focus moderates the social performance of individuals who conceal a stigmatized identity. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 787-797. Abstract.
Jehn KA, Wit F, Barreto M, Rink F (2015). Task Conflict Asymmetries: Effects on expectations and performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26, 172-191.
Becker JC, Barreto M, Kahn KB, Oliveira Laux SH (2015). The collective value of 'me' (and its limitations): Towards a more nuanced understanding of individual and collective coping with prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 71, 497-516.
Newheiser AK, Barreto M (2014). Hidden costs of hiding stigma: Ironic interpersonal consequences of concealing a stigmatized identity in social interactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 58-70. Abstract.
Cihangir S, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2014). Men as allies against sexism: the positive effects of a suggestion of sexism by male (vs. female) sources. SAGE Open, 4(2). Abstract.
Becker J, Barreto M (2014). Ways to go: Men's and women's support for aggressive and non-aggressive confrontation of sexism as a function of gender identification. Journal of Social Issues, 70(4), 668-686.
Ellemers N, Pagliaro S, Barreto M (2013). Morality and behavioural regulation in groups: a social identity approach. European Review of Social Psychology, 24(1), 160-193. Abstract.
Cihangir S, Scheepers D, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2013). Responding to gender-based rejection: Objecting against negative and disproving positive inter-group differentiation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 151-158. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Kingma L, Van den Burgt J, Barreto M (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility as a source of organizational morality, employee commitment and satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology, 1, 97-124. Abstract.
Stroebe KS, Dovidio J, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2011). Is the world a just place? Countering the negative consequences of pervasive discrimination by affirming the world as just. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 484-500. Abstract.
Pagliaro S, Ellemers N, Barreto M (2011). Sharing moral values: Anticipated ingroup respect as a determinant of adherence to morality-based (but not competence-based) group norms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(8), 1117-1129. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Fiske ST (2010). "What did you Say, and Who do you Think you Are?" How Power Differences Affect Emotional Reactions to Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 66(3), 477-492. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2010). Current issues in the study of social stigma. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 431-445. Abstract.
Stroebe K, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2010). Experiencing Discrimination: How Members of Disadvantaged Groups can be Helped to Cope with Discrimination. SOCIAL ISSUES AND POLICY REVIEW, 4(1), 181-213.  Author URL.
Stroebe KS, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2010). Experiencing discrimination: How members of disadvantaged groups can be helped to cope with discrimination. Social Issues and Policy Review, 4, 181-213. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Piebinga L, Moya M (2010). How nice of us and how dumb of me: the effect of exposure to benevolent sexism on women's task and relational self-descriptions. Sex Roles: a Journal of Research, 62, 532-544. Abstract.
Pagliaro S, Ellemers N, Barreto M, Leach CW (2010). Individual vs. collective identity management strategies: the role of group norms and personal gain. Psicologia Sociale, 5(3), 387-401. Abstract.
Cihangir S, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2010). The dark side of ambiguous discrimination: How state self-esteem moderates emotional and behavioural responses to ambiguous and unambiguous discrimination. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 155-174. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Fiske S (2010). The power of prejudice: How power of source affects the experience of prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 477-492. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Scholten W, Smith H (2010). To be or not to be: the impact of implicit versus explicit inappropriate social categorizations on the self. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 43-67. Abstract.
Stroebe KS, Barreto M, Ellemers N (2010). When searching hurts: the role of information search in reactions to gender discrimination. Sex Roles: a Journal of Research, 62, 60-76. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2009). Collective action in modern times: How modern expressions of prejudice prevent collective action. Journal of Social Issues, 65, 749-768. Abstract.
Stroebe KS, Ellemers N, Barreto M, Mummendey A (2009). For better or for worse: the congruence of personal and group outcomes on targets’ responses to discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 576-590. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Pagliaro S, Barreto M, Leach CW (2008). Is it Better to be Moral Than Smart? the Effects of Morality and Competence Norms on the Decision to Work at Group Status Improvement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(6), 1397-1410. Abstract.
Wayne Leach C, Ellemers N, Barreto M (2007). Group Virtue: the Importance of Morality (vs. Competence and Sociability) in the Positive Evaluation of In-Groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93(2), 234-249. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2006). Categorization in everyday life: the effects of positive and negative categorizations on emotions and self-views. European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 931-942. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2006). Social identity and self-presentation at work: how attempts to hide a stigmatised identity affect emotional well-being, social inclusion and performance. Netherlands journal of psychology, 62(1), 51-57.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Banal S (2006). Working under cover: Performance-related self-confidence among members of contextually devalued groups who try to pass. European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 337-352. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2005). The burden of benevolent sexism: How it contributes to the maintenance of gender inequalities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 35, 633-642. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2005). The perils of political correctness: Men's and women's responses to old-fashioned and modern sexist views. Social Psychology Quarterly, 68(1), 75-88.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Palacios MS (2004). The backlash of token mobility: the impact of past group experiences on individual ambition and effort. PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN, 30(11), 1433-1445.  Author URL.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Palacios MS (2004). The backlash of token mobility: the impact of past group experiences on individual ambition and effort. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1433-1445. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2003). The effects of being categorised: the interplay between internal and external social identities. European Review of Social Psychology, 14, 139-170. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Spears R, Shahinper K (2003). Who wants to know? the effect of audience on identity expression among minority group members. British Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 299-318.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2002). The impact of anonymity and group identification on pro-group behaviour in computer-mediated groups. Small Group Research: an international journal of theory, investigation and application, 33, 590-610. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2002). The impact of respect versus neglect of self-identities on identification and group loyalty. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 629-639. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2000). You can't always do what you want: Social identity and self-presentational determinants of the choice to work for a low status group. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 891-906.


Becker JC, Barreto M (2019). Personal, collective, and group-distancing motives underlying confrontation of prejudice. In  (Ed) Confronting Prejudice and Discrimination, Elsevier, 141-158.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2015). Chapter Three Detecting and Experiencing Prejudice New Answers to Old Questions. In  (Ed) , Elsevier, 139-219.
Sindic D, Barreto M, Costa Lopes R (2014). Power and identity: the multiple facets of a complex relationship. In Sindic D, Barreto M, Costa Lopes R (Eds.) Power and identity, UK: Psychology Press, 1-12.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2013). Sexism in contemporary societies: How it is expressed, perceived, confirmed, and resisted. In Ryan M, Branscombe N (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Psychology, Sage.
Barreto M, Ryan M, Schmitt M (2009). Introduction: is the glass ceiling still relevant in the 21st century?. In Barreto M, Ryan MK, Schmitt MT (Eds.) The glass ceiling in the 21st century, Amer Psychological Assn, 3-18.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2009). Maintaining the illusion of meritocracy. In Demoulin S, Leyens J-P, Dovidio JF (Eds.) Intergroup misunderstandings, Psychology Pr, 191-212.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2009). Multiple identities and the paradox of social inclusion. In  (Ed) Coping with Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion, 269-292. Abstract.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Cihangir S, Stroebe KS (2009). The experience of subtle sexism. In Barreto M, Ryan MK, Schmitt MT (Eds.) The glass ceiling in the 21st century, Amer Psychological Assn, 99-124.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2009). The paradox of social inclusion. In Butera F, Levine JM (Eds.) Coping with minority status, Cambridge Univ Pr, 269-292.
Barreto M, Ellemers N, Cihangir S, Stroebe K (2009). The self-fulfilling effects of contemporary sexism: How it affects women's well-being and behavior. In  (Ed) The glass ceiling in the 21st century: Understanding barriers to gender equality, American Psychological Association (APA), 99-123.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2008). Putting your own down: How members of disadvantaged groups unwittingly perpetuate or exacerbate their disadvantage. In Brief AP (Ed) Diversity at work, Cambridge Univ Pr, 202-261. Abstract.
Ellemers N, Barreto M (2001). The impact of relative group status: Affective, perceptual, and behavioural consequences. In Brown R, Gaertner S (Eds.) Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology, volume 4: Intergroup Processes, 324-343.
Barreto M, Ellemers N (2000). Motivating the uncommitted: Degree of identification and type of anonymity as determinants of the choice to work on behalf of a low status group. In Postmes T, Spears R, Lea M, Reicher S (Eds.) SIDE issues center stage: Recent developments in studies of deindividuation in groups, Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, 117-130.
Ellemers N, Barreto M, Spears R (1999). Commitment and strategic responses to social context. In Ellemers N, Spears R, Doosje B (Eds.) Social identity: Context, commitment, content, Blackwell, 127-146.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

President of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (2014-2017; Member of the Executive Committee since 2011).

Chair of the scientific committee of the conference of the European Association of Social Psychology (2011).

Member of various grant evaluation panels at ERC, Horizon 2020 (including challenge calls and Marie Curie Fellowships), ESRC, the Wellcome Trust, among others.

Editorial responsibilities

Consulting Editor for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2017-present)

Consulting Editor Journal of Social Issues (2012-present).

Associate Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology (2009-2011)

Workshops organised

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In 2021/22:

  • Supervision of 3rd year projects in the BSc Psychology program
  • Supervision of Masters theses from students in the Master in Social and Organizational Psychology
  • Co-convening the Social and Organizational Psychology at MSc level



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Research Fellows

  • Mary Wilson GRA on Project in collaboration with GAMH

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers

  • Esma Ciftci
  • Bojana Daw Srdanovic Theatre with and by learning disabled performers: A study of contemporary British practice. Third supervisor. PhD student funded by the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health. Other supervisors: Kerrie Schaeffer (Drama), Martin Levinson (Education, Bath Spa).
  • Elena Dimitriou
  • Stacey Heath
  • Fan Jiao Experiences of courtesy stigma for parents of autistic children: A comparative study between UK and China. First supervisor. Second: David Doyle.
  • Helen Keen Experiences of loneliness in autistic performers. First supervisor. PhD student funded by the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health. Second supervisor: Kerrie Schaeffer (Drama).
  • Veronika Kosikova First supervisor. Second: David Doyle. Third: Pamela Qualter (U Manchester)
  • Fidelia Sing Erng Law First supervisor: Adam Rutland.
  • Thomas Lewis Student co-funded by the Devon Partnership NHS Trust, co-supervised with David Doyle
  • Raawiyah Rifath Reviewing the standard of proof for individuals who seek asylum based on sexual orientation. Second supervisor. First: Christina Bicknell (Law). Student funded by the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health.


  • Mark Atkinson Loneliness in the Digital Age. Funded by ESRC, AHRC, EPSRC, DSTL.
  • Sezgin Cihangir The dark side of subtle sexism. PhD co-supervised with Naomi Ellemers, University of Leiden. Funded by NWO.
  • Esra Dasci Moral biases. Co-supervised with Joe Sweetman. Funded by the Turkish Gov.
  • Melika Janbakhsh The role of attributional stability in minority group members' attribuions for negative outcomes. First supervisor, with D Scheepers and A Rabinovich.
  • Rebecca Jefferson Postdoc funded by Erasmus . 2020-2021.
  • Kim Kahn The social costs of discrimination claims. Postdoc 2010-2011. Funded by FCT.
  • Elizabeth Lee Postdoc 2011-2012. Funded by FCT.
  • Angela Meadows Weight stigma resistance. Postdoc funded by ESRC in 2019-20.
  • Anna Newheiser Social effects of concealing stigma. Postdoc 2012-2013.
  • Maria Soledad Palacios Galvez PhD co-supervised with Miguel Moya, University of Granada
  • Miguel Ramos Funded by a project from the Portuguese Science Foundation
  • Matt Richins Empathic biases. PhD funded by DSTL.
  • Marco Silva Rego Power and legitimacy. First supervisor with T Morton and A Guinote (UCL). Funded by FCT.
  • Katherine Stroebe PhD co-supervised with Naomi Ellemers, University of Leiden. Funded by NWO.
  • Jolien van Breen Postdoc 2017-2020.
  • Ming Zhang Stigma effects on interpersonal trust. Postdoctoral student funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council 2016-2018.

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