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Dr Rosie Walker

Dr Rosie Walker


 Washington Singer Room 203


Washington Singer Laboratories, University of Exeter, Perry Road, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK


I am interested in the factors that confer risk for dementia. My research uses molecular epidemiological approaches to analyse large biological and phenotypic datasets in order to (i) identify which factors alter a person’s risk of developing dementia and (ii) assess how these risk factors operate. Ultimately, my research aims to inform intervention strategies that will prevent disease onset or lessen disease severity.

I teach on the third year BSc seminar module “Life-course Influences on Behaviour and Cognition” and I am a tutor on the MSc Introduction to Statistics (online conversion) module. I supervise research projects investigating dementia and cognitive function.


PhD in Psychiatric Genetics (The University of Edinburgh)

MSc in Neuroscience (The University of Oxford)

BA in Experimental Psychology (The University of Oxford)

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Research interests

My research uses molecular epidemiological approaches to investigate risk factors for dementia. I use large cohorts with biological (e.g. genetic, DNA methylation, and proteomic) and phenotypic data to (i) identify factors that play a causal role in altering dementia risk and (ii) investigate the mechanisms by which these risk factors operate. Much of my work has involved studying DNA methylation in the Generation Scotland cohort and, more recently, I have been investigating plasma proteomic biomarkers of cognitive function in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) cohort.

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Journal articles

Barbu MC, Amador C, Kwong A, Shen X, Adams M, Howard D, Walker R, Morris S, Min J, Liu C, et al (In Press). Complex Trait Methylation Risk Scores in the Prediction of Major Depressive Disorder.
Walker RM (In Press). Comprehensive evaluation of smoking exposures and their interactions on DNA methylation. EBioMedicine
Walker RM (In Press). Development and validation of DNA Methylation scores in two European cohorts augment 10-year risk prediction of type 2 diabetes. Nature Aging
Walker RM (In Press). The circulating proteome and brain health: Mendelian randomisation and cross-sectional analyses. Translational Psychiatry
Hillary RF, Ng HK, McCartney DL, Elliott HR, Walker RM, Campbell A, Huang F, Direk K, Welsh P, Sattar N, et al (2024). Blood-based epigenome-wide analyses of chronic low-grade inflammation across diverse population cohorts. Cell Genomics, 4(5).
Chybowska AD, Gadd DA, Cheng Y, Bernabeu E, Campbell A, Walker RM, McIntosh AM, Wrobel N, Murphy L, Welsh P, et al (2024). Epigenetic Contributions to Clinical Risk Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease. Circ Genom Precis Med, 17(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hillary RF, McCartney DL, Smith HM, Bernabeu E, Gadd DA, Chybowska AD, Cheng Y, Murphy L, Wrobel N, Campbell A, et al (2023). Blood-based epigenome-wide analyses of 19 common disease states: a longitudinal, population-based linked cohort study of 18,413 Scottish individuals. PLoS Med, 20(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee M, Joehanes R, McCartney DL, Kho M, HĂźls A, Wyss AB, Liu C, Walker RM, Kardia SLR, Wingo TS, et al (2023). Opioid medication use and blood DNA methylation: epigenome-wide association meta-analysis. Epigenomics, 14(23), 1479-1492.
Gao C, Amador C, Walker RM, Campbell A, Madden RA, Adams MJ, Bai X, Liu Y, Li M, Hayward C, et al (2023). Phenome-wide analyses identify an association between the parent-of-origin effects dependent methylome and the rate of aging in humans. Genome Biology, 24(1). Abstract.
Rioux B, Chong M, Walker R, McGlasson S, Rannikmäe K, McCartney D, McCabe J, Brown R, Crow YJ, Hunt D, et al (2023). Phenotypes associated with genetic determinants of type I interferon regulation in the UK Biobank: a protocol. Wellcome Open Research, 8
Macdonald-Dunlop E, Taba N, Klarić L, Frkatović A, Walker R, Hayward C, Esko T, Haley C, Fischer K, Wilson JF, et al (2022). A catalogue of omics biological ageing clocks reveals substantial commonality and associations with disease risk. Aging, 14(2), 623-659. Abstract.
Jung J, McCartney DL, Wagner J, Yoo J, Bell AS, Mavromatis LA, Rosoff DB, Hodgkinson CA, Sun H, Schwandt M, et al (2022). Additive Effects of Stress and Alcohol Exposure on Accelerated Epigenetic Aging in Alcohol Use Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 93(4), 331-341.
Jung J, McCartney DL, Wagner J, Rosoff DB, Schwandt M, Sun H, Wiers CE, de Carvalho LM, Volkow ND, Walker RM, et al (2022). Alcohol use disorder is associated with DNA methylation-based shortening of telomere length and regulated by TESPA1: implications for aging. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(9), 3875-3884.
Lee L, Walker R, Whiteley W (2022). Assessing the role of vascular risk factors in dementia: Mendelian randomization meta-analysis and comparison with observational estimates. F1000Research, 11
McCartney DL, Hillary RF, Conole ELS, Banos DT, Gadd DA, Walker RM, Nangle C, Flaig R, Campbell A, Murray AD, et al (2022). Blood-based epigenome-wide analyses of cognitive abilities. Genome Biology, 23(1).
Shen X, Caramaschi D, Adams MJ, Walker RM, Min JL, Kwong A, Hemani G, Genetics of DNA Methylation Consortium, Barbu MC, Whalley HC, et al (2022). DNA methylome-wide association study of genetic risk for depression implicates antigen processing and immune responses. Genome Med, 14(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Gadd DA, Hillary RF, McCartney DL, Zaghlool SB, Stevenson AJ, Cheng Y, Fawns-Ritchie C, Nangle C, Campbell A, Flaig R, et al (2022). Epigenetic scores for the circulating proteome as tools for disease prediction. eLife, 11 Abstract.
Lohoff F, Clarke T, Kaminsky ZA, Walker R, Bermingham M, Jung J, Morris S, Rosoff D, Barbu M, Charlet K, et al (2022). Epigenome-Wide Association Study of Alcohol Consumption in N=8161 Individuals and Relevance to Alcohol Use Disorder Pathophysiology. Biological Psychiatry, 91(9).
Hillary RF, Gadd DA, McCartney DL, Shi L, Campbell A, Walker RM, Ritchie CW, Deary IJ, Evans KL, Nevado‐Holgado AJ, et al (2022). Genome‐ and epigenome‐wide studies of plasma protein biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease implicate TBCA and TREM2 in disease risk. Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 14(1).
Hillary RF, McCartney DL, McRae AF, Campbell A, Walker RM, Hayward C, Horvath S, Porteous DJ, Evans KL, Marioni RE, et al (2022). Identification of influential probe types in epigenetic predictions of human traits: implications for microarray design. Clinical Epigenetics, 14(1).
Gadd DA, Hillary RF, McCartney DL, Shi L, Stolicyn A, Robertson NA, Walker RM, McGeachan RI, Campbell A, Xueyi S, et al (2022). Integrated methylome and phenome study of the circulating proteome reveals markers pertinent to brain health. Nature Communications, 13(1).
Higham J, Kerr L, Zhang Q, Walker RM, Harris SE, Howard DM, Hawkins EL, Sandu A-L, Steele JD, Waiter GD, et al (2022). Local CpG density affects the trajectory and variance of age-associated DNA methylation changes. Genome Biology, 23(1).
Sun Y-Q, Richmond RC, Suderman M, Min JL, Battram T, Flatberg A, Beisvag V, Nøst TH, Guida F, Jiang L, et al (2021). Assessing the role of genome-wide DNA methylation between smoking and risk of lung cancer using repeated measurements: the HUNT study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 50(5), 1482-1497.
Bøstrand SMK, Vaher K, de Nooij L, Harris MA, Cole JH, Cox SR, Marioni RE, McCartney DL, Walker RM, McIntosh AM, et al (2021). Associations between alcohol use and accelerated biological ageing. Addiction Biology, 27(1), e13100-e13100.
Stevenson AJ, Gadd DA, Hillary RF, McCartney DL, Campbell A, Walker RM, Evans KL, Harris SE, Spires-Jones TL, McRae AF, et al (2021). Creating and Validating a DNA Methylation-Based Proxy for Interleukin-6. The Journals of Gerontology Series A, 76(12), 2284-2292.
van Dongen J, Hagenbeek FA, Suderman M, Roetman PJ, Sugden K, Chiocchetti AG, Ismail K, Mulder RH, Hafferty JD, Adams MJ, et al (2021). DNA methylation signatures of aggression and closely related constructs: a meta-analysis of epigenome-wide studies across the lifespan. Mol Psychiatry, 26(6), 2148-2162. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lohoff FW, Clarke T-K, Kaminsky ZA, Walker RM, Bermingham ML, Jung J, Morris SW, Rosoff D, Campbell A, Barbu M, et al (2021). Epigenome-wide association study of alcohol consumption in N = 8161 individuals and relevance to alcohol use disorder pathophysiology: identification of the cystine/glutamate transporter SLC7A11 as a top target. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(3), 1754-1764.
Barbu MC, Harris M, Shen X, Aleks S, Green C, Amador C, Walker R, Morris S, Adams M, Sandu A, et al (2021). Epigenome-wide association study of global cortical volumes in generation Scotland: Scottish family health study. Epigenetics, 17(10), 1143-1158.
McCartney DL, Min JL, Richmond RC, Lu AT, Sobczyk MK, Davies G, Broer L, Guo X, Jeong A, Jung J, et al (2021). Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging. Genome Biol, 22(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Amador C, Zeng Y, Barber M, Walker RM, Campbell A, McIntosh AM, Evans KL, Porteous DJ, Hayward C, Wilson JF, et al (2021). Genome-wide methylation data improves dissection of the effect of smoking on body mass index. PLOS Genetics, 17(9).
Walker RM, Vaher K, Bermingham ML, Morris SW, Bretherick AD, Zeng Y, Rawlik K, Amador C, Campbell A, Haley CS, et al (2021). Identification of epigenome-wide DNA methylation differences between carriers of APOE ε4 and APOE ε2 alleles. Genome Medicine, 13(1).
Zeng Y, Amador C, Gao C, Walker RM, Morris SW, Campbell A, Frkatović A, Madden RA, Adams MJ, He S, et al (2021). Lifestyle and Genetic Factors Modify Parent-of-Origin Effects on the Human Methylome. EBioMedicine, 74
Gospodinova KO, Olsen D, Kaas M, Anderson SM, Phillips J, Walker RM, Bermingham ML, Payne AL, Giannopoulos P, Pandya D, et al (2021). Loss of SORCS2 is Associated with Neuronal DNA Double-Strand Breaks. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 43(1), 237-249.
Schlosser P, Tin A, Matias-Garcia PR, Thio CHL, Joehanes R, Liu H, Weihs A, Yu Z, Hoppmann A, Grundner-Culemann F, et al (2021). Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage. Nature Communications, 12(1).
Barbu MC, Huider F, Campbell A, Amador C, Adams MJ, Lynall M-E, Howard DM, Walker RM, Morris SW, Van Dongen J, et al (2021). Methylome-wide association study of antidepressant use in Generation Scotland and the Netherlands Twin Register implicates the innate immune system. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(3), 1647-1657.
Howard DM, Pain O, Arathimos R, Barbu MC, Amador C, Walker RM, Jermy B, Adams MJ, Deary IJ, Porteous D, et al (2021). Methylome-wide association study of early life stressors and adult mental health. Human Molecular Genetics, 31(4), 651-664.
Banos DT, McCartney DL, Patxot M, Anchieri L, Battram T, Christiansen C, Costeira R, Walker RM, Morris SW, Campbell A, et al (2020). Author Correction: Bayesian reassessment of the epigenetic architecture of complex traits. Nature Communications, 11(1).
Trejo Banos D, McCartney DL, Patxot M, Anchieri L, Battram T, Christiansen C, Costeira R, Walker RM, Morris SW, Campbell A, et al (2020). Bayesian reassessment of the epigenetic architecture of complex traits. Nature Communications, 11(1).
Madden RA, McCartney DL, Walker RM, Hillary RF, Bermingham ML, Rawlik K, Morris SW, Campbell A, Porteous DJ, Deary IJ, et al (2020). Birth weight associations with DNA methylation differences in an adult population. Epigenetics, 16(7), 783-796.
Stevenson AJ, McCartney DL, Hillary RF, Campbell A, Morris SW, Bermingham ML, Walker RM, Evans KL, Boutin TS, Hayward C, et al (2020). Characterisation of an inflammation-related epigenetic score and its association with cognitive ability. Clinical Epigenetics, 12(1).
Mur J, McCartney DL, Walker RM, Campbell A, Bermingham ML, Morris SW, Porteous DJ, McIntosh AM, Deary IJ, Evans KL, et al (2020). DNA methylation in APOE: the relationship with Alzheimer's and with cardiovascular health. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 6(1).
Seeboth A, McCartney DL, Wang Y, Hillary RF, Stevenson AJ, Walker RM, Campbell A, Evans KL, McIntosh AM, Hägg S, et al (2020). DNA methylation outlier burden, health, and ageing in Generation Scotland and the Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936. Clinical Epigenetics, 12(1).
van Dongen J, Hagenbeek FA, Suderman M, Roetman P, Sugden K, Chiocchetti AG, Ismail K, Mulder RH, Hafferty J, Adams MJ, et al (2020). DNA methylation signatures of aggression and closely related constructs: a meta-analysis of epigenome-wide studies across the lifespan. Abstract.
Hillary RF, Stevenson AJ, McCartney DL, Campbell A, Walker RM, Howard DM, Ritchie CW, Horvath S, Hayward C, McIntosh AM, et al (2020). Epigenetic measures of ageing predict the prevalence and incidence of leading causes of death and disease burden. Clinical Epigenetics, 12(1).
Barbu MC, Shen X, Walker RM, Howard DM, Evans KL, Whalley HC, Porteous DJ, Morris SW, Deary IJ, Zeng Y, et al (2020). Epigenetic prediction of major depressive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 26(9), 5112-5123.
Lohoff F, Roy A, Jung J, Longley M, Rosoff D, Luo A, P'Connell E, Sorcher J, Sun H, Schwandt M, et al (2020). Epigenome-Wide Association Study and Multi-Tissue Replication of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder: Evidence for Abnormal Glucocorticoid Signaling Pathway Gene Regulation. Biological Psychiatry, 87(9).
Lohoff FW, Roy A, Jung J, Longley M, Rosoff DB, Luo A, O’Connell E, Sorcher JL, Sun H, Schwandt M, et al (2020). Epigenome-wide association study and multi-tissue replication of individuals with alcohol use disorder: evidence for abnormal glucocorticoid signaling pathway gene regulation. Molecular Psychiatry, 26(6), 2224-2237.
Walker RM, Bermingham ML, Vaher K, Morris SW, Clarke T, Bretherick AD, Zeng Y, Amador C, Rawlik K, Pandya K, et al (2020). Epigenome‐wide analyses identify DNA methylation signatures of dementia risk. Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 12(1).
Min JL, Hemani G, Hannon E, Dekkers KF, Castillo-Fernandez J, Luijk R, Carnero-Montoro E, Lawson DJ, Burrows K, Suderman M, et al (2020). Genomic and phenomic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation. Abstract.
Langdon R, Richmond R, Elliott HR, Dudding T, Kazmi N, Penfold C, Ingarfield K, Ho K, Bretherick A, Haley C, et al (2020). Identifying epigenetic biomarkers of established prognostic factors and survival in a clinical cohort of individuals with oropharyngeal cancer. Clinical Epigenetics, 12(1).
Green C, Shen X, Stevenson AJ, Conole ELS, Harris MA, Barbu MC, Hawkins EL, Adams MJ, Hillary RF, Lawrie SM, et al (2020). Structural brain correlates of serum and epigenetic markers of inflammation in major depressive disorder. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 92, 39-48.
Clarke T, Morris SW, Walker R, Whalley H, Evans K, McIntosh A (2019). 17AN EPIGENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY (EWAS) OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION REVEALS DNA METHYLATION SIGNATURES OF ALCOHOL USE. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29, s1075-s1076.
Gibson J, Russ TC, Clarke T-K, Howard DM, Hillary RF, Evans KL, Walker RM, Bermingham ML, Morris SW, Campbell A, et al (2019). A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of epigenetic age acceleration. PLOS Genetics, 15(11).
Hamilton OKL, Zhang Q, McRae AF, Walker RM, Morris SW, Redmond P, Campbell A, Murray AD, Porteous DJ, Evans KL, et al (2019). An epigenetic score for BMI based on DNA methylation correlates with poor physical health and major disease in the Lothian Birth Cohort. International Journal of Obesity, 43(9), 1795-1802.
McCartney DL, Zhang F, Hillary RF, Zhang Q, Stevenson AJ, Walker RM, Bermingham ML, Boutin T, Morris SW, Campbell A, et al (2019). An epigenome-wide association study of sex-specific chronological ageing. Genome Medicine, 12(1).
Walker RM, MacGillivray L, McCafferty S, Wrobel N, Murphy L, Kerr SM, Morris SW, Campbell A, McIntosh AM, Porteous DJ, et al (2019). Assessment of dried blood spots for DNA methylation profiling. Wellcome Open Research, 4
Bressler J, Marioni RE, Walker RM, Xia R, Gottesman RF, Windham BG, Grove ML, Guan W, Pankow JS, Evans KL, et al (2019). Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Cognitive Function in African American Adults in Midlife: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology Series A, 75(3), 473-480.
Bermingham ML, Walker RM, Marioni RE, Morris SW, Rawlik K, Zeng Y, Campbell A, Redmond P, Whalley HC, Adams MJ, et al (2019). Identification of novel differentially methylated sites with potential as clinical predictors of impaired respiratory function and COPD. EBioMedicine, 43, 576-586.
Zhang Q, Vallerga CL, Walker RM, Lin T, Henders AK, Montgomery GW, He J, Fan D, Fowdar J, Kennedy M, et al (2019). Improved precision of epigenetic clock estimates across tissues and its implication for biological ageing. Genome Medicine, 11(1).
Barker V, Walker RM, Evans KL, Lawrie SM (2019). Methylation of glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1), BDNF and oxytocin receptor genes in association with childhood maltreatment in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 216, 529-531.
Zeng Y, Amador C, Xia C, Marioni R, Sproul D, Walker RM, Morris SW, Bretherick A, Canela-Xandri O, Boutin TS, et al (2019). Parent of origin genetic effects on methylation in humans are common and influence complex trait variation. Nature Communications, 10(1).
Zeng Y, Amador C, Xia C, Marioni R, Sproul D, Walker RM, Morris SW, Bretherick A, Canela-Xandri O, Boutin TS, et al (2019). Publisher Correction: Parent of origin genetic effects on methylation in humans are common and influence complex trait variation. Nature Communications, 10(1).
Hafferty J, Adams M, Howard D, Clarke T, Morris SW, Bermingham M, Walker R, Marioni R, Campbell A, Nicodemus K, et al (2019). SA66EPIGENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY OF ANTIDEPRESSANT USE. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29
McCartney DL, Walker RM, Morris SW, Anderson SM, Duff BJ, Marioni RE, Millar JK, McCarthy SE, Ryan NM, Lawrie SM, et al (2018). Altered DNA methylation associated with a translocation linked to major mental illness. Schizophrenia, 4(1).
Jovanova OS, Nedeljkovic I, Derek S, Walker RM, Liu C, Luciano M, Bressler J, Brody J, Drake AJ, Evans KL, et al (2018). DNA Methylation Signatures of Depressive Symptoms in Middle-aged and Elderly Persons: Meta-analysis of Multiethnic Epigenome-wide Studies. JAMA Psychiatry, 75(9), 949-959.
McCartney DL, Hillary RF, Stevenson AJ, Ritchie SJ, Walker RM, Zhang Q, Morris SW, Bermingham ML, Campbell A, Murray AD, et al (2018). Epigenetic prediction of complex traits and death. Genome Biology, 19(1).
McCartney DL, Stevenson AJ, Hillary RF, Walker RM, Bermingham ML, Morris SW, Clarke T-K, Campbell A, Murray AD, Whalley HC, et al (2018). Epigenetic signatures of starting and stopping smoking. EBioMedicine, 37, 214-220.
McCartney DL, Stevenson AJ, Walker RM, Gibson J, Morris SW, Campbell A, Murray AD, Whalley HC, Porteous DJ, McIntosh AM, et al (2018). Investigating the relationship between DNA methylation age acceleration and risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 10(1), 429-437.
Walker RM, Christoforou AN, McCartney DL, Morris SW, Kennedy NA, Morten P, Anderson SM, Torrance HS, Macdonald A, Sussmann JE, et al (2016). DNA methylation in a Scottish family multiply affected by bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Clinical Epigenetics, 8(1).
McCartney DL, Walker RM, Morris SW, McIntosh AM, Porteous DJ, Evans KL (2016). Identification of polymorphic and off-target probe binding sites on the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip. Data in Brief, 9, 22-24.
Walker RM, Sussmann JE, Whalley HC, Ryan NM, Porteous DJ, McIntosh AM, Evans KL (2016). Preliminary assessment of pre‐morbid DNA methylation in individuals at high genetic risk of mood disorders. Bipolar Disorders, 18(5), 410-422.
Walker RM, Rybka J, Anderson SM, Torrance HS, Boxall R, Sussmann JE, Porteous DJ, McIntosh AM, Evans KL (2015). Preliminary investigation of miRNA expression in individuals at high familial risk of bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 62, 48-55.
Rampino A, Walker RM, Torrance HS, Anderson SM, Fazio L, Di Giorgio A, Taurisano P, Gelao B, Romano R, Masellis R, et al (2014). Expression of DISC1-Interactome Members Correlates with Cognitive Phenotypes Related to Schizophrenia. PLOS ONE, 9(6).
Brown SM, Clapcote SJ, Millar JK, Torrance HS, Anderson SM, Walker R, Rampino A, Roder JC, Thomson PA, Porteous DJ, et al (2012). Erratum: Synaptic modulators Nrxn1 and Nrxn3 are disregulated in a Disc1 mouse model of schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry, 17(4), 469-469.
Walker RM, Hill AE, Newman AC, Hamilton G, Torrance HS, Anderson SM, Ogawa F, Derizioti P, Nicod J, Vernes SC, et al (2012). The DISC1 promoter: characterization and regulation by FOXP2. Human Molecular Genetics, 21(13), 2862-2872.
Brown SM, Clapcote SJ, Millar JK, Torrance HS, Anderson SM, Walker R, Rampino A, Roder JC, Thomson PA, Porteous DJ, et al (2011). Synaptic modulators Nrxn1 and Nrxn3 are disregulated in a Disc1 mouse model of schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry, 16(6), 585-587.
Walker RM, Christoforou A, Thomson PA, McGhee KA, Maclean A, MĂźhleisen TW, Strohmaier J, Nieratschker V, NĂśthen MM, Rietschel M, et al (2010). Association analysis of Neuregulin 1 candidate regions in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Neuroscience Letters, 478(1), 9-13.
Sikka P, Walker R, Cockayne R, Wood MJA, Harrison PJ, Burnet PWJ (2010). D‐Serine metabolism in C6 glioma cells: Involvement of alanine‐serine‐cysteine transporter (ASCT2) and serine racemase (SRR) but not D‐amino acid oxidase (DAO). Journal of Neuroscience Research, 88(8), 1829-1840.
Pickard BS, Knight HM, Hamilton RS, Soares DC, Walker R, Boyd JKF, Machell J, Maclean A, McGhee KA, Condie A, et al (2008). A common variant in the 3′UTR of the GRIK4 glutamate receptor gene affects transcript abundance and protects against bipolar disorder. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(39), 14940-14945.


van Dongen J, Hagenbeek FA, Suderman M, Roetman P, Sugden K, Chiocchetti AG, Ismail K, Mulder RH, Hafferty J, Adams MJ, et al (2020). DNA methylation signatures of a broad spectrum of aggressive behavior: a meta-analysis of epigenome-wide studies across the lifespan.  Author URL.

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