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 Yuan-Hsi Liao

Yuan-Hsi Liao

Postgraduate Research Student

 Washington Singer 


Washington Singer Laboratories, University of Exeter, Perry Road, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK



Research Keywords:

  • Political psychology
  • Organizational behaviour  
  • Employee behaviour 
  • Social psychology 
  • Interpersonal behaviour in the workplace

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Journal articles

Fisher AN, Ryan MK, Liao YH, Mikołajczak G, Riedijk L, Leander NP, Abakoumkin G, Abdul Khaiyom JH, Ahmedi V, Agostini M, et al (2024). The Precarity of Progress: Implications of a Shifting Gendered Division of Labor for Relationships and Well-Being as a Function of Country-Level Gender Equality. Sex Roles, 90(5), 642-658. Abstract.
Lin TT, Liao Y (2020). Future temporal focus in resilience research: when leader resilience provides a role model. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 41(7), 897-907. Abstract.

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