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Dr Taline Artinian

Dr Taline Artinian

Lecturer & Research Tutor, DClinPsy/DPPClinPrac/DClinPracRes



Taline is a clinical psychologist and academic with an interdisciplinary background in Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology and Philosophy (Ethics). Her research has focused on transgenerational trauma and construction of identity, exploring links with depression, anxiety and alienation in minority groups that have survived collective trauma such as genocide and civil war. She has done extensive research into experiences of guilt and shame in adolescence in relation to body image, gender and depression. Her methodological expertise is in qualitative theories and methods. Taline has worked with vulnerable persons, victims of human trafficking and migrant women in the Middle East within the context of a project for the UNHCR. This work formed the basis of her interest and research into the phenomenology and ethics of gratitude in relation to the challenges of a meaningful engagement with the world.

More recently, she has become interested in the ethics of clinical trials of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, psychedelic altered states of consciousness and dyadic gratitude, and decolonisation, leading to the publication of a book chapter and a co-authored article.

She is currently a lecturer and research tutor in the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology programme at the University Exeter and the co-lead of the DClinPGR Lived Experience Group.

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Journal articles

Hauskeller C, Artinian T, Schwartz Marin E, Luna LE, Crickmore J, Sjostedt Hughes P (2023). Decolonization is a metaphor towards a different ethic. The case from psychedelic studies. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews Abstract.


Artinian T (2022). Transpersonal Gratitude and Psychedelic Altered States of Consciousness. In Hauskeller C, Sjostedt-Hughes P (Eds.) Philosophy and Psychedelics. Frameworks for Exceptional Experiences, Bloomsbury.

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